chapter 12

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From the tower, Leo and Casey arrive at the building.]

Leo: Oh man, is this what the future looks like?

Casey: Nope, the future is worse. Much worse.

Leo: Donnie, Mikey, do you read me?

Donnie: Come in, Leo. Come in, Leo.

Leo: Donnie, Donnie, where are you?

Donnie: We've extracted ourselves from the subway and are currently ascending a staircase.

[They appear at the same spot where Leo and Casey are. April, Mikey and Splinter are relieved that they are okay.]

Donnie: I'm getting a lot of interference, but if you hold still, I can triangulate your position using a complex geolocation algorithm.

Casey: Donnie?

Donnie: Odd numbers.. primes.. no almost... Almost! [Splinter clears his throat.] Ugh, I never get to use my algorithm.

Leo: Man, I am so glad you guys aren't dead.

Mikey: Ditto.

[Leo hugs his brothers.]

Leo: Okay, before this gets too mushy, we need to locate Raph and Nova. Donnie, can you tell me if he's still in the building.

Donnie: Bet your momma's subatomic particles I am. Got the.! They're close. They're almost on top of us. Wait... they are on top of us.

[Slime drops on his tracking device. They looked up and saw a pink cocoon. Inside was a figure that looks like....]

All: Raph! Nova!

Splinter: Raphael!

Leo: Quick, get him down. Get him out of here.

[Casey saw through the vines with his weapon as the cocoon splats onto the floor. Everyone tried to claw him out, but the shell was too thick. Leo sliced it open with his katana and pulled Raph out. Pink water gushed out.]

Leo: Hang on, big brother and little sis. We got you. Almost there. Raph? Nova?

For a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly, Leo was punched when Raph woke up. He wasn't acting himself. Leo looked up and saw that Raph was attacking his family. An eye bursts as pink flesh took over his body. Tentacles take the form of his hands. Everyone watched in horror to see what happened to their brother. Raph's eye had turned yellow while the other his red pink. It let out an unnatural bellow and charged at everyone. The key falls to the ground when April was knocked to the ground and the infected Raph takes it. Nova holds they team captive. The cocoon doors began to open up.]

Leader Krang: Surprise.

Mikey: [tearfully] What did you do to my brother and sister?

Leader Krang: Improved them.

[Leo glared and growled until the subway krang burst out with Sister Krang on it. The creatures emerged from the holes as the infected krang snarl. Everyone huddled together.]

Leader Krang: Thank you for this. We will be putting it to good use. Come, the world awaits destruction.

Sister Krang: Tear them apart!

April: We gotta move.

Casey: Leo, move!

Leo: NO!

[Leo gangs on Donnies shell where subwoofers appear. He hits an ear wrenching sound which causes Nova to fall and loose connection with the Krang. Leo then opens a portal and knocks Nova to Liberty Island.]

[Everyone vanished]]

Leader Krang: A shame our brethren didn't survive the prison dimension. Then, again, their weakness has no place in my new krang empire. Open and bring unto this world the mighty power of krang!

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