Turning evil| li yunxiang

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What happens if after cheating you decide to take revenge?
trigger warbing:
Mentions of violence
Honestly i thought he was a good guy, after finding out his little secret i broke up with him.
Not even a day later he seemed he had moved on. I saw him while taking a stroll near his shop. He was with another girl kissing her while her hands were around his neck. I chucked as i walked away. He even dares to do that not even 1 day later?

The moonlight illuminated everything. i was dressed in my best outfit. I'll take my revenge no matter if it's in a cold plate. I went into the back of the shop and found her sitting legs crossed while talking 2ith someone that was in the kitchen.
'probably it's yunxiang '
I hit her in the neck making her fall unconscious.
''you okay darling? You went quiet '' i heard li question before looking out.
We made eye contact as his eyes widened with shock and fear. He ran towards us as i carried the girl over my shoulder and began running. He was chasing me with his motorcycle as i ran as fast as i could. I went into a dark alley and lost him luckily. I went into the farthest abones place i could find and tied her up. I put a cloth over her mouth . As soon as she opened her eyes she became screaming.
"Listen i feel a bit sorry so which do you prefer?" I asked pulling out a knife and a gun.
Her eyes started spilling tears as i removed the cloth.
"Please .!" She mumbled out
"I'm not repeating myself" i called out putting the gun and the knife Infront of her.
She was hesitant but decided to go with the gun . It was a fast and easy death. The bullet pierced her brain as some blood went in my face.  I chuckled and began wrapping her in a bag and burning her. I got all my items and made sure to leave no evidence left behind. I decided to spy on li as his eyes looked  Swelled and puffy. We was crying his eyes out as he was talking to the police.


Monty's later they still couldn't find the body neither the murderer.

Finally updated!!

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