Shopping with li yunxiang

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I apologize for the wait I forgot about coments  @Anime_is_life_233

Shopping with li would be sorta fun. He would just follow you around and maybe getting a few stuff for himself however he does mostly only grab tools ,  you on the other hand aren't like "grabs the most thing's" or "only buys helnmits and badass things" you go on a certain level of getting things , sure you can also get stuff to add to your motorcycle but also get stuff for yourself. Your an average at shopping , you don't get too much or too little. The day would go easy just get stuff you need and sometimes what you was , eat a lil something and head home, it may sound boring however it's calming for both of you!
What he would do:
• occasionally stare at you and how your face lyis up when you see something you like
• usually gets distracted with hso own stuff
• let's you be you
+ There's a possibility the girl you saw when you first met him is there
• at the end of the day you both decide what do eat
•ocadilbaly you do rather of these to decide: rock paper scissors, take turns, or just who calls on it first
• usually a calm shopping

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