Brink of death x | Ao bing

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I just realized it wasn't specific so I'll be doing normal ao bing.

Warning: Blood

Request by :


I could barely keep my eye open , feeling ever inch of my body throbbing with pain . I was sitting in my own pool of blood and the only way I could manage to look was...up... Was this the way I was going to die? No .. I hoped not I prayed not . I had to survive right...? At this state it was impossible to, tears blurred my vision .. I can't please not like this...

" I'm sorry mother " were the last words I felt myself say before everything blacked out. I had to take a terrible path this path led me to this , I was involved in multiple robbery's. I had no choice... My mother was Ill and my other sibling refused to waste money... I couldn't just leave her to die so I did what I had to do...I robbed for money , and it led me to this....


I gasped for air , I felt a sudden throb in my abdomen making me groan out and lay back down. Where was I? As my vision began clearing I was in a somewhat different place. I was placed in a rock with bandages. And my surrounding were still around trees. As k looked at myself I saw I was full of bandages. Some on my arms and on my abdomen. I looked around franticly trying to find the one responsible for this.. thank you... I let out some tears as I sobbed .. I was given another chance.. but who was responsible for this.

I looked around once again but let out a sudden yell there was a man? Standing right Infront of me

"Who are you..?" I hesitantly called out sill making awkward eye contact. I saw him slightly shift as if uncomfortable. I saw his eyes look away and I tried my best to sink deeper into the rock..

" Ao bing.. " he finally answered as he made eye contact once again..

"What's your name" he asked , I hesitated for a moment before opening my mouth to talk.

" Y/n .. L/n "  I said looking at him.

I flinched as the familiar pain came back. 
"I wanted to thank you.." I slightly bowed my head.

"Oh.. yes but may I ask what happened? "

"I don't want to talk about it I'm sorry..
". , I couldn't just spill my whole life backstory to a random stranger... What if he turned me to the guards? I would be banished from the land.

"Um I have this to ease you're pain " I heard him say before something was placed on my hand. It was some ice wrapped with leaves. I smiled at him , he had been the only one to show me kindness rather than any other person here in the village.

" Where did you get this? " I grew curious as there want any source he could have obtained this from without it melting. I looked back at him to see him slightly frown.

"I mean I'm grateful I am! I was just curious I apologize" I bowed my head. I was embarrassed , I shouldn't even be asking for where he got these things. He literally saved my life.

"I am really thankful, I have no words to show how grateful I am " I felt my voice grow low.



" AO !" I yelled as I looked through the forest.


"WHAT THE-" I was about to slap whoever it was behind me.

"Ao you gotta stop doing that!"  I yelled , I simply saw a soft smile on his face.

" Why do you hide you're gorgeous hair? " I teased, 3ver since he saved me I've visited and gifted him stuff everyday as a form of gratitude and today I had something special.

"I'm not ready to tell you.." he mumbled, I smiled reassuringly

"Dont worry it's not a rush ao bing but guess what?!" I cleaned as I took out the nearly wrapped gift on YM hands. His mood changed I to one of confused.

"What is that? " He asked , I began unfolding it to reveal a piece of jewelery , specifically a head wearing as if it were s crown.  It was adorned with a glamours crystal. And some snowflakes on the sides , and diamonds hanging from a string on each side. It was quite pricey z and I had wanted most of my money . Because of him if it weren't that I had survived my mother would been left alone. With all the effort they managed to cure my mom and I could get a proper job... I owe my life to this man.

"I had forgotten about me not seeing you without you're hood but I got this for you because it reminded me so much of you. " I tried explaining.

"Promise me something y/n..."

"Anything!" I looked dup at him

"Will you promise me to stay and not tell anyone... I don't want you to...." I saw him hesitate "I don't want you to run away "

" Why would i-"
"Promise me". , I sighed before nodding
"I promise"
My eyes widened , he began slowly taking of his hood , he had horns and what seemed like a part of yin and yang on his forehead... I gasped , his face twisted with one of concern and in a moment I felt his hands on mine.

"Ao bing-"
" I'm sorry " he stood up about to leave but I grabbed him. He had tears in his eyes as he looked down at me. I slowly lend him down and hugged him.

"You're beautiful" I whispered as I grabbed onto him. I felt him hug me tighter.


''OMGGG " I giggled , I had placed the jewelry on mis head and it fit him perfectly, it covered what he explained was a pill? Or something like that. It reflected the blue making a beautiful sight.

"Y/n.." I heard him whisper



" I like you "



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