21 6 0

Good morning, princess.

Stop texting me,Please

No will do



Scarlet Rose Knight , How are you doing ?

How do you know my name ? And who the hell are you,you creep !

Playing 20 questions are we ?  Why creep and no "hun, babe or love ", darling ?

For the sake of heaven , it was a mistake on my part , and I'm extremely sorry for that. Just like your wish I stopped texting you. Also, I can delete your number ?

Damage has already been done. And no can do, love

What's with this sickening name you sick stalker. Stop !

Why darling ?

Stop it  :|

I know you love it ;)

No, I don't


I hate you

Just don't say what you don't feel.

Go to hell

I will, if you are with me

Puh-lease , STOP for now.

Go on. Don't be shy. Ask me out.

Okay. Go out

Since you asked so nicely
Bye for now, honeyyy

Arggg- Hell with you and Get lost !

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