Ch. 1: Goodbye Life Savings [6] (Deadly Life)

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Author Note:

Leave your last minute predictions here.


Once everyone had gotten to their podiums, I took a look around the group. A small part of me still doubted that one of them killed Skyler.

The podiums were arranged in a circle, each having a unique flower on them. A grayscale portrait of Skyler with 'error' painted on in pink over in. The flower on their podium also appeared have wilted, despite it being fake.

I felt lucky having Fawn's podium right beside me. That way I could cross reference our notes if needed. On the other side of me was Quartz's podium.

"Everyone found their podiums? Good." Tiger asked but didn't wait for an answer. "Allow to explain the class trial. You'll present the evidence you found during your investigation, assuming your not a lazy bum, and you actually investigated, and discuss who you think killer is. Once you ready to vote, the screens on your podiums will turn on and you can vote for you who think the killer is."

That's a lot to remember...

"Oh, and another thing." The robot sounded far top excited. "The killer doesn't have a vote."

"The killer doesn't get a vote?" Minerva questioned, making a note.

"Why doesn't the killer get a vote?" Curiously asked Vanessa.

"To make the killer work extra hard to win the trial." Tiger jumped up into a flower chair. "And for the record, Nora doesn't have one either since she already knows who the killer is but no one really cares about her."

"Hey! That's not true!" Nora pouted. "I'm a fan favorite!"

"In your dreams." Tiger the Dog shook its head, disappointed. "Anyways, class trial in session."

"I have a question." Zenith spoke up, his voice sounding off due to the amount of crying he had done.

"Uughh," It groaned. "We literally just fucking started. What's your question, overpaid taxi driver?"

"Why is there that picture of them over there?" Questioned the chauffeur, on the verge of tears. He was referring to the portrait at Skyler's podium.

"Attendance to the class trial is mandatory." She simply said. "Even if your dead."

Zenith didn't say anymore. I figured he wouldn't say much for the entire trial with how this is effecting him.

I say that like it hasn't effect me at all...

"Where do we start?" Quartz finally spoke up for the group.

"We should go over what we already know and build our way up from there." Isaiah suggested.

"Skyler is dead." Nikolas started off.

"Found 'em in the storage closet." Hunter added on.

"The BDA went off after Zenith, Felix, and I saw the body." Minerva stated. "I think it's safe to assume that we triggered the announcement."

"That's means the killer can't be one of you three, right?" Rory asked.

"Correct." Amelia answered. "We're down to 12 suspects now."

"Pfft! This is gonna be a breeze!" Tabitha laughed, not looking away from her phone.

"I doubt it will be as simple narrowing down the list further." The coroner commented.

"Huh? How so?" The blonde girl asked.

"The murder took place at night." She told everyone. "It's much harder to track our whereabouts at that time in opposition to daytime."

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