• Discontinuation Announcement •

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Okay. The title of the chapter may be alarming. But I've thought about this very hard.

I'm discontinuing Danganronpa: Retirement Plan.

When writing Chapter 2, I've realized that I was very unprepared when I started the fangan. Many characters did not have fully decided backstories, character arcs, and their personalities were quite shallow and one note. (In my opinion.)

Since Chapter 2, I've tried to cover up these pitfalls, but there are many other very important world building and lore things that were not planned as well as they probably should have been. The talent system was basically made up as went and not elaborated on as much I would have liked to it be. The story is about people who lost their talents, so I feel the way Ultimates get titled and lose their titles should have been better explained. (Or at least I should've had a better idea how it worked.)

Along with my feeling of unpreparedness, I've grown to dislike the death order and how all the characters die. I don't mean the deaths themselves, but the characters who end up dying don't have the send off I would like them to have.

I still like these characters (most of them, anyways) and I feel like if I had been more prepared I could have done better and I would be more satisfied with how the story has turned out. I'm not making any promises, but there's a chance I'll rewrite this when I rethink and plan everything a little better.

In the next chapter, I'll be going over the death order and the plot, that I had planned, while talking about my grievances and maybe how I imagined things would happen.

If you don't care for the death order, then this is your last chapter. Congratulations for you!

Thank for you reading my fangan. I hope you enjoyed, even if you couldn't see the end of it.

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