Chapter 49. Confessions of a roommate.

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"Turn the TV back on..." Everybody here was eager to know about the ongoing war. All of us civilians trapped inside this building while we couldn't even know what was going on with the war. After a while everything went static. We all stared at the TV, some tried googling, searching up live broadcasts.. anything but we were disappointed. Nothing showed up and my heart was squeezing itself, overworking anxiously as if that would help the situation. And to make matters worse, I couldn't even talk about this to anyone. The only person who knew about us...well, she hates me for being with him.

" Y/n...are you alright? You look worried..." I turned to look at Souske who was staring into my soul, trying to figure me out. I hate it when men do that.
" I'm alright." I lied. Ofcourse I'm not gonna tell anything to Souske, that's stupid. Besides, I don't want him to think I'm a slut for bad boys. Guys like him are too sure of what and who they want. Good girls. And I don't know if I'm one among them.

"Hey, I just got a phone call from my aunt, some of the heroes are moving all the patients out of the Central hospital. My uncle is really worried about this, he just got over a heart attack..."

" Oh... do you know where they're being moved to, Stace?"

" No... I had a hard time hearing them, something's blocking the signal...and it was way too loud over there, somebody screaming.. somebody spinning...and some other shit..."

Spinner! He must be at the central hospital. So that means Touya is all alone by himself. Does this mean he really got captured? What about the promise he made me?... Liar. Asshole. Jerk. Scarface. Burnt creep. How dare he abandon me like this, after making me fall for him?!

" Stacy. Can we talk?" I really needed to get this out of my chest. Or else I might explode out of anxiety.

" Heh...whatever...move it Soupske..." She pushed him aside and went into her room. "Heyyy!! Don't call me that!!!"

" Lock the door."

I locked the door and sat near her.
" So...what is it? Are you done being angry and lunatic?"

Her words....tch. She's my bestie for a reason....gotta love that reason..

" You are the lunatic here." I pouted.

" Sure..whatever makes your bipolar go away baby girl..."

" Don't you dare...."

" You're here to talk about him, right..?"

" Yeah, I need you to know, that, I love him. And he loves me. And that it's not any syndrome. And I need you to be happy about it. You're my everything afterall..."

" Really? Am I Y/n? Am I? Am I your number one Y/n? No! Not anymore! Ever since that douche bag came into your life, everything changed!"

" What are you even talking about?! We were just roommates before him! Just roommates! But now...we are best friends..and I think that's because of him...." My eyes teared up a little, everytime I think of him, it pains my heart to know that I probably won't see him again.

" There you go again! Crediting him for everything! He's all you talk about. Spending time with you is irritating now. I have a boyfriend too you don't hear me blabbering about my bf all the time!!"

" I don't talk about him 24/7!! Besides...he's my first, so ... You know..."

" Wow, look at you... Blushing like a school girl... I wish I was as pure as you are..."

" Stacey... I'm not pure. Not in the least. The things I've done and said... I'm not pure at all.."

" Oh Y/n, I'm not talking about your sex!... It bugs me because I'm jealous. I'm jealous of the relationship you have. You're so happy whenever you talk about him. You have this glow on your face. And I wish I had that."

TOUYA [Dabi x Y/N] 18+Where stories live. Discover now