Chapter 5: If Mario & Tim were in Discord

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AN: Alright, everybody. Now I'm wanting to do a filler episode before moving on to the next plot point. I figured it would be a good idea to pace out the episodic stories bit by bit so people don't get too overwhelmed or something like that. Plus, it's a nice creative outlet. That said, there is gonna be a hint in this chapter for the next episode. Also, there's a reference to a YouTube Poop by YouTuber HourofPoop somewhere! Anyone who gets it gets...a shoutout, maybe.

Since this is a Discord-based chapter, the chatboxes in this chapter look like this. Also, if I messed something up about Discord, please let me know in the comments. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

The world of Discord was filled with everything you're looking for, chats between friends, fans of certain franchises, creeps that deserved to be Chris Hansen'd, everything you can think of; Discord has it all!

And who should be in Discord now but Mario, Timothy, and their friends?

In one chatroom, various chatboxes began to open up.

Tim: Huh. So this is Discord.

SMG4: Yep! Welcome, Timmy! Here, we can just chat, share messages, and do all kinds of stuff!

Meggy: Hell yeah!

Saiko: Ugh. Here we go again.

Tari: Yipee! Again!

Luigi: Hope this goes well like last time!

Bob: Hell yeah!

Mario: I want food again.

A brief period of silence followed that chat before,

Tim: Anyway, thanks for the phone and laptop, Meggy and SMG4. Now I can participate instead of just watching from the sidelines! :)

Meggy: No problem, lil dude!

SMG4: Welcome!

Tim: Yeah. Also, why are you calling me little dude, Meggy? I'm two inches taller than you, smol bean! :(

Meggy: But I'm like five years older than you, so it evens out! And don't call me smol bean!

Tim: Grr! Hey, wait a minute.

SMG4, do you remember that Short and Tall song? You know, the song about how Meggy's short and Saiko's tall?

Meggy & Saiko inserted a gif of a raging bull.

SMG4: Yeah. Why?

Tim: Well, I've checked on the SMG4 wiki (yes, it exists), and it says Meggy's 5 foot 2, while you are 5 foot 1.

So how can you call her short when you're an inch shorter?

SMG4: ...


SMG4 blocked Tim.

Mario: Ooh, he got you there! Hahaha! XD

SMG4 blocked Mario.

Meggy: He's got a point, actually. How dare you to call-

SMG4 blocked Meggy as well. Then, as Saiko began typing, he blocked her as well before going on a blocking spree, leaving only himself in the chat room.

SMG4: ...Whoops.


Tim: Hey, Meggy! I need a favor!

SMG4: Stranded in StupidityWhere stories live. Discover now