chapter 4

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Lan Zhan plunged into the depths of his lover's body, he knew that Wei Ying was still asleep, had passed out long ago because of all the rough sex he had to endure. But even still Lan Zhan keeps going. He had to, it was too tempting not to. I mean not after what Wei Ying had made for them. He knows he’s far too big for Wei Ying’s body to barely accommodate now. He had to carve himself into this sweet lovely, lithe body of his lover, as he held onto those wide hips. Wei Ying has always had wide hips, but now his hips were even wider. He can’t wait till he sees the changes in his lover’s body. He can’t wait till his mate gets round with his child, he can look down and see how big his beloved’s belly is.

Mate was definitely a new word for them both but it was oh so fitting.

And it makes something possessive rise up within him and he lets out an animalistic growl. This was his Wei Ying, and now Wei Ying could never leave him, not after he left a permanent mark on his neck. The fact at least one of his bites can stay makes him feel like he’s getting even harder inside his Wei Ying.

He groans as he bites down on Wei Ying’s neck again and sinks his fangs into him. They were fangs as his teeth had sharpened so he could mark his mate like this much easier. He can feel his knot building already. He can’t wait to be locked inside his mate again.

Wei Ying fades in and out of consciousness as his body is jostled this way and that the heat in his body almost uncomfortable. And something between his legs was so sore from being overused by his Alpha, he was too tired to remember what…

It wasn’t until Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had finished their first heat and rut cycle they had spent together that Wei Ying woke up. Lan Zhan had been so rough with his poor body! His mate has truly done him in this time!

He was so sore! Everywhere! He’s never been fucked like that by Lan Zhan! Well, a few times have come close, Lan Zhan was an absolute horny mess around the clock! From sun up to sun down and even past that well especially at night when he could have Wei Ying all to himself.

It felt nice though having Lan Zhan use his body the way he pleased. But it didn’t stop Wei Ying from having to reap the effects of what it does to his body!

After all that he’s done and he gets this kind of treatment from his mate? Yes, he isn’t perfect but he at least should be allowed a bit of rest!

He huffs as he squirms closer to Lan Zhan who was finally sleeping alongside him instead of fucking him for what was it 5 days straight? He didn’t stop he must have used his golden core to keep himself from exhausting himself…

He knows Lan Zhan’s golden core was that of an almost immortal but it was scary what things he’d do to him if he was immortal and he has nearly unlimited spiritual energy. He’d stay up all the time just to fuck him!

He whimpers just a bit but tries not to be too loud, Lan Zhan is finally asleep he needs his rest. He squirms around to get comfortable as he cuddles up to Lan Zhan side and almost squeals when Lan Zhan moves and wraps his arms around Wei Ying in his sleep so he’d have Wei Ying closer. He then feels the other grind against him.

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