Flashback A

164 1 0

Early/Mid 2017

I wake up to a phone call from a unknown number. Assuming it's a spam caller, I decline, but the number calls me again. I decline again, but it kept going and going until eventually I answered.
???: Hello?
???: Hello, Leafy.
I internally panic inside, because....
I recognize the voice from the show I was in over seven years ago!
Hold on, back up, here's some background info:
When I was 13, me and nineteen other kids, about my age, were randomly picked to compete for an island called "Dream Island". I guess I was popular, since I got 2nd place to win. Despite the low budget, "Battle for Dream Island Again" came out a couple years later, but it ended up getting cancelled in the middle of episode 6, but I don't know why, probably because I wasn't a contestant then. We tried to make a season three, but it only got one episode before being cancelled again, and from that day forward I thought the show would be gone for good...until I got this call. I was a little surprised because, the host quit a while ago...
Leafy: Huh? Who is this?
Unknown Caller: This is the new host of Battle for Dream Island. I'm inviting you to compete in Season 4.
Leafy: Season 4? But I thought the host quit!
Host: Yes, he did. The team hired new hosts, and I'm one of them!
Leafy: Um, okay...but how did you do this with such a low budget?
Host: Low budget? What are you talking about? We're kicking it up a notch this season. Especially now that most of the old contestants are adults now. We have not only the originals, but many, many other special guests, totaling at 64 contestants!
SIXTY FOUR?? That's insane! How did this new host, or hosts, as they proclaimed, get so many people!? The host tells me the day we start filming and concludes.
Host: We hope to see you there!
The host hangs up before I could say anything else, leaving me confused. So apparently, the show I was in when I was in middle school, got a new host, and are working on season four? And they're inviting me to be in it? I feel excited, and nervous at the same time. I'll be on TV again, for the first time in a year? And with 63 other people, most of them being new? I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure...but I have to! I was already signed up for the show! I guess we'll have to see how it goes...

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