Prologue 1/2: The Season 4 I Expected

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The new season was eventually relocated because...because... Ugh, I forgot. Hopefully something will remind me. It was supposed to be episode 17 now, right? When I went to the new place, it Like, it wasn't as lively as where it used to be held. The area felt very...dead. It looks like some sort of ruin...are we really competing here now?
???: EVERYONE!! Get to...uhh...just follow me!
Just when the speaker finished booming, two plushie-like creatures popped out of the ground. They looked like...numbers? Who would have two foot tall plush four and...variable symbol X? The things started walking, or better yet, waddling and I assume they wanted me to follow them, so I did. I see a few other people, some of which i recognized, but some were new.
Eventually, the math plushies lead us to a field with a caution-taped door behind them. A short-haired girl I didn't know spoke up:
???: Hey, you, what's that door for?
Plush Number: Oh, you'll find out~!
She opened her mouth again, but decided against it. The blue number announced:
Plush Number: Welcome remaining BFB contestants! Welcome to the BFDI Killing Game!
It's almost like I could feel the shock and confusion in the air cutting through each and every one of us.
FL[REDACTED]: HUH!? The fuck do you mean a killing game!? Is this some sick joke?
Plush Number: Well before we get to that, call me Four! And this is X!
X innocently smiled and greeted us, like they were the polar opposite of Four.
Four: Now, you may notice that you are now sealed in here.
WO[REDACTED]: Wha...? I-I didn't n-notice that!
We all look around, and we eventually see that every entrance or exit we saw is now sealed off.
FI[REDACTED]: So they are sealed are we gonna go home once the episode ends?
X: Well that's another change! You can't go home until the season ends! You have different houses you'll stay in!
???: And does that mean we're sharing houses with people?
FL[REDACTED]: Of course it does, dumbass! X said there are six dorms, does it look like there are six people he-
Four: BE QUIET! Yes you'll be sharing, if that wasn't obvious! But as X said, you can't go home until the season ends!
???: Oh, I can deal with that.
X: Don't be so quick to say that! The show is working differently now! There won't be any more challenges or eliminations in this part of the season!
SP[REDACTED]: Umm, what's the point then?
Four: Well, there is a challenge, but the only challenge is...
Four waited to build suspense, and from how on-edge everyone was from the "killing game" mention from earlier, it was working.
Four and X: to "eliminate" another contestant...but by killing them!
Right then was when everyone was sent into panic mode. A lot of people were screaming, some were crying.
Four: SHUT UP! Anyway...if another contestant dies, we will hold a trial, and if the killer get away with it, they will be safely eliminated. But if they're found out, they will get a custom execution in front of everyone! I already have one thought up for each and every one of you.
X points at three random people.
X: Even you! And you! And you!
The thought of having to kill another person, perhaps a friend of ours circled in my head. Is this really how we have to live?
Four: Without any further ado, one last thing before I send you guys off to introduce yourselves and whatnot, heres a final gift!
X brings out a box of a bunch of tablets with blue and yellow, matching to them and Four.
X: These are DreamPads! They have your school regulations in them! Each one has your name on them, so make sure you have the right one!
I rummage through the strange tablets until I find the one that had "Leafy" taped onto the back of the case.
After everyone gets their DreamPads, Four opens its mouth to speak again.
Four: These regulations are very important, because if you don't follow them, there will be very gruesome consequences....
I was sick of Four and X mentioning us dying every five seconds.
Leafy: So what do we exactly do to NOT die!?
X: We can't answer that exactly, because no one here is guaranteed to survive!
Leafy: You know what, either this is a joke, or I'm quitting the show!
SP[REDACTED]: She's right! I'm quitting too!
BU[REDACTED]: We're done with these new rules, Four!
Four: Good luck with that~!
X: Come on guys, you signed up to be in the new season, you wanted to be here!
G[???]: Yeah, but this isn't BFB anymore! This is just a sick joke and I would love if you would cut it out.
Four: This is no joke, this is the real deal! Even you have no guarantee of surviving! Now can you guys shut up with your little street protest?
???: Street protest? We are-
Four: Lalala, can't hear you~
???: Four, can you-
Four: JUST BE QUIET ALREADY! Ugh, you're free to go. Go introduce yourself, try to find your houses, yada yada I don't care.
Four sends us off with many unanswered questions. Do we really have to kill eachother? What is that door for? How are the trials going to work? Is there ANY way out? Where's the BFDI? Who is behind this? The questions float around in my head.
Eventually we all snap out of it, after all, it's not like I know everyone. I need to introduce myself to everyone in a positive way, I need to look around. This is a relocation, after all. Whatever this is, we have to end it.

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