Flashback B (SHORT)

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Today's the day. Today is the day the "new host" of BFB told me the new season would start filming. I get in my car and start driving. It's a long trip, but I think it's gonna be worth it. This will be the best season yet!...Will it? There's no time for doubting, I just have to get there. I drive for about 40 minutes before getting to the recording site. I pull over and park my car before getting out. I know it shouldn't be surprising but my eyes widened.
There were so many people! Most of which I didn't know, so that means new opportunities..? I should probably befriend as many as these...strangers as I can, because I want them to know the new me before they learn about...the old me. It's a long story...
-Anyway! It's showtime!
Or...that's what I would've said.

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