wHaT aRe YoU hIdInG?

977 20 9

(After Ayanokoji got 100 on math)

I was walking towards to the school.

I coincidentally met up with Kanzaki.

"Ayanokoji..." He muttered and stared on my eyes fiercely.

"Good Morning." I greeted him.

"Yeah, good morning." He replied.

"I never expected you to get 100." Kanzaki added.

"I just study hard." I replied.

"What are you hiding?" He asked me.

"Do you want to see?" I asked.

Kanzaki eyes' widened a little.

"Hoh? Are you saying that you're gonna show that you're capable, and you are dangerous?"

"Follow me." I walked towards to a alley, and he followed me.

"What are you gonna show me?" He asked.

I unzipped my pants.

"What are you doing—" Before he could finish his sentence I shut him up with my T-Rex.

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