conflicted feelings

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To an outsider, Rose and Rung's friendship was something that was very mutual and the two were close. 

Bots could assume that they were dating, which was not the case at all. The two were just really good friends. 

It was common knowledge that Rose was the patient of Rung, and after he dismissed Rose the two became very close. 

But, some crewmembers got the wrong idea and believed that they were a thing. I mean, who would blame them? 

The Liaison's schedule revolved around helping fellow crewmates out, and zey always visited Rung's Office first. 

Zey always talked to him first and then left. 

It didn't stop anyone from trying to drop hints by little things Rung or Rose would do. 

"He's totally into you!" or "Zey really likes you!" were common comments of any member of The Lost Light. 

Especially Swerve. 

Swerve and Whirl often plan and tease Rose about zir crush on Rung, Rose ignores it knowing that they would forget about zir in a minute. 

Which is usually the case. But lately doubt has begun to cast upon zir's true feelings for Rung. 

Zey did come to terms with zir mutual respect for Rung, but all the teasing that the both of them were going through really got to zir. 

Was zey... 

In love with Rung?

In theory, it was good on paper.  But in reality, it was nothing short of ridiculous. Rose did find the mech attractive, but could never see them together.

So what's with the crew trying to get them together? Rose and Rung were just friends. 

Just friends… 

Rose wasn’t sure if that statement was true or not, and zey wasn't going to find out. Rose walked to Rung’s Office first thing in the morning. Rose walked up to the door of Rung’s Office, and knocked on it. 

“Come in!” Rung calls, Rose opened the door. Rung swerved his chair around to see Rose and smiled. 

“Ah, hello Rose! Come sit down!” Rung offered. Rose nodded and sat down across from him. 

“Rung, I got some of your energon pocky treats, I know you were running out of them so I made time in my rather busy schedule to make time and help.” Rose said, reaching down from zir satchel and pulling out the box of energon pocky’s. 

Rung’s optics brightened. “I appreciate it. Thank you Rose.” Rung said. 

“No problem, you know I value our relationship and I wanted to do something nice for once.” Rose said. Rung nodded. 

“I really appreciate your companionship Rose.” Rung said. Rose smiled. 

“No need for flattery. I just am glad you’re my friend. I really appreciate it.” Rose said, Rung smiled. 

“I understand.”  He said, taking the pocky out of the box and holding one out for Rose. 

“Would you like some?” Rung asked. 

“No thank you.” Rose said politely.

“Alright.” Rung said. 

“Rung, do you want to come with me to run an errand?”  Rose asked. 

“Of course.” Rung said. “I do have a bit of time before my next session, so why not?” Rung asked. Rose smiled and walked with Rung. The two talked for a while. The two of them walked inside the empty room. 

good on paper, picture perfectHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin