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Rose found herself back at the bathroom vomiting up the remainder of the energon she had. She still could barely keep the energon in her systems anymore.

That's when she heard the door open from the outside. Rose tried not to move as she saw Rodimus coming into the room. He sat down next to her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"How you feeling? You alright?" He asked, his voice was filled with concern.

"Not good, where is Magnus?" She asked, wiping her mouth again, Rodimus looked at Rose.

"He had to take care of some things." Rodimus said.

"I heard you vomiting, so I rushed towards the noise and sure enough here you were. Do you need support?" Rodimus asked.

"Yeah, I need a cloth, I have to damp my forehelm in it."

Rose wasn't aware that her frame was heating up until then.

"On it, Navis can you bring us a washrag?" Rodimus asked, Navis drops one from the trapdoor on the ceiling.

Rodimus leaned down and picked up the washrag. "Thanks Navis!" He grins, the ship slammed the windows in response, he hands the towel to Rose who wiped her mouth.

Then she rinsed the washrag off and placed it on her helm.  As soon as her helm was dry,  Rodimus  left and Rose went back to retching up the disgusting substance, she felt someone's arm around her, they pulled her back and held her up.
Rose couldn't tell who it was at first but after looking up she was surprised to see the face of her adoptive father, Magnus.

Magnus helped Rose sit down on the toilet lid and he sat down right next to her, he reached over and took the rag from her head, he pressed it against her forehead.

After Rose was done she felt better. She leaned over to the sink and washed her mouth out again, the nausea had stopped. Once finished she turned around and looked at her adopted father. Her expression softened and a smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you, Magnus." She said.

"No problem, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, what happened?" Magnus asked, his tone was softer than usual.

"The usual, vomiting..." Rose wiped her mouth.

"Oh," was all Magnus said before he got up to go get her something to drink. When he came back, there was med-grade energon in front of him. She took it. "Do you want me to help you to your berth?" He offered.

Rose shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"You have to see Ratchet sooner or later." Magnus said.

Rose sighs. "I know..." She sighs, defeated.

Magnus puts a servo onto her shoulder.

"Let's get you cleaned up, come on." He says, pulling Rose up from her seat.

"But Magnus, I'll be fine... I promise-" She tried to protest.

"If you're going to see Ratchet, you're going to have to clean yourself up. Come on." Magnus said, holding onto her hand and guiding her away.

Rose sighed and allowed herself to be led away. She knew that there was no point arguing with Magnus. If there were any other time, Rose would argue with Magnus about everything. There isn't any other time.

Rose is too weak to do anything else.

Magnus led Rose into one of the rooms and closed the door behind them. Rose looked at him. Magnus smiled and gently pushed her back onto the berth. Then, he sat down next to her, his servos folded across his chassis and looked over at Rose. Rose gave him a nervous chuckle.

"Are you sure you wanna stay here with me while I rest?"

Magnus didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Rose. His optics bore into hers. She shivered under his gaze and averted her eyes. "I think it will be best if you let me stay for the night, Rose."

Rose nodded, it was normal for her sire to stay by her side when he had the time to do so.  But this time, it felt different. It felt weird to have Magnus staying by her side instead of leaving her alone like he usually does.

It was nice having his hand on top of her knee. It helped calm her down and soothe her.

She looked up at her adopted father again. His optics seemed sad and his frame language showed it. His optics were slightly glazed over, his body posture showed how tired he truly was. And he really did look exhausted. She hadn't realized just how bad her condition had gotten.

She should have taken better care of herself while she was on the ship.

This was why she was grateful to have him around. For awhile she acheived some semblance of peace. As her adopted sire soothed her, she nearly forgot the pain in her spark and chassis.


Rose felt tears well in her optics.
She was scared that her time might be up. But she knew deep inside that Magnus wouldn't allow that, even though he doesn't say much.

They stayed together until Magnus got tired of holding her.

Rose felt him lay down on the edge of the bed, he placed a hand on her chest.

"Come here, my child." He whispered. Rose immediately laid down facing Magnus, she curled up close to his chassis.

He rocked Rose back and forth in a soothing manner. He hummed a small tune to help calm her nerves.

Rose could feel Magnus's hands moving slowly up and down her torso, her legs intertwined with his.
Once Rose calmed down she fell asleep in his arms.

"Goodnight my little dove." Magnus whispered, stroking her helm softly.
And thus, it began.

It wasn't before long when Rose found herself back at the toilet vomiting once more.

She managed to empty half of what she had been drinking today.

"What happened?" Rose heard a voice ask her.

"I don't know!" Rose spat out, her voice cracking, her optics squeezed shut.

The voice sighed and Rose felt someone sit down next to her, she didn't recognize the person until they spoke, they weren't familiar enough to be anyone else other than Megatron himself.

"Here's a glass of water, drink." Megatron said, passing Rose his own glass of water. "Slowly."

Rose obeyed and drained the glass before giving it back to the mech, she thanked him and then went silent.

Megatron watched his friend silently, he rubbed circles on her back.

"How long has this been happening?" Megatron finally asked. Rose sighed and leaned forward resting her chin against her knees.

"Since last few weeks." Rose replied simply. Megatron sighed and wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulders.

"Do you need me to speak with Magnus, do you think he will help you?" Megatron asked. Rose shrugged in response.

Megatron knew that Magnus would never let anything happen to his precious adoptive daughter.

But he also knows that Rose won't ever stop fighting until something happens. This is one of those times. Even though it's hard to see his beloved Rose in such state, he knows that Magnus will find a way to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

Rose is too stubborn to give up so easily. The only reason why Rose is still able to fight through this sickness is because Magnus is always by her side helping her.

"Would you mind if I spoke to Magnus?" Megatron asked Rose.
Rose shook her head. "Go ahead, I'm going to go back to sleep." She muttered, heading back to her berthroom.

When she was gone, Megatron made himself comfortable. Rose had fallen into recharge almost instantly once she returned to her room, but she still hadn't slept well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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