peace of mind

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Rose walked through the halls, lost in thoughts. It seems as though Magnus's words stuck with her. They haunted her all week, each day seemed like it was the last moment she had left Rung, but they also helped remind her why she wanted to move forward. For the sake of everyone around her.

She knew she couldn't avoid Rung forever, eventually they would come face to face with one another. 

And that unfortunately, was today. It was one of those days where Rodimus dragged the whole crew with him on one day of the week to hang out together in one of Navis' many countless rooms. 

Those meetings were mandatory. She couldn't back out of them even if she wanted. 

She and Rung shared the same friends and they will surely know what's up between the two and ask why they were acting strange. 

Rose didn't know what to say, she was emotionally unprepared to face Rung this soon, but nonetheless she made her way to the rec room. 

She saw a few bots there. Skids and of course Rung were there. She sighed and sat down far from the usual table she seated herself at. 

No other bots knew why Rung and Rose were avoiding, some assumed that they had a fight, which was far from the truth. Rung and her had a one night stand they silently agreed to never speak to one another again.

But even then that'll catch the attention of the others.  So she was prepared for the inevitable conversation.

As much as she disliked the idea of facing Rung, he deserved an explanation for everything, right? After all the damage done to his psyche by his guilt, the least Rose could do is explain things to him.
So she looked over towards him and noticed he was already looking at her.

They locked eyes, for a moment she feared for his sanity, but she decided to ignore the feeling and just look away.

A few more minutes passed before they felt eyes on them. And sure enough, a few seconds later Rodimus approached them.
"Hey guys! Are you guys having a party or smooching?"

Everyone turned towards him with disgust on their faces, except Rung whose expression remained stoic.

"Not interested." Skids stated in response, while looking at his friend.

"We're not doing anything. We just want to enjoy the peace and quiet of Navis," Rose said.

"Well too bad, because it looks like I'm here to keep you company." Rodimus added pointing to himself with a grin.

Rose groaned, and rolled his optics. Skids chuckled and gave him a playful punch. 

It was clear that Rodimus liked the bot a lot, although no one can blame him. Skids was kind, caring and protective bot. 

Rose was sure that Skids would do anything to help a friend in need, but Rose couldn't bring herself to ask Skids about friendship advice, as Rodimus and Skids talked, Rose found herself alone. So she decided to keep her helm down. 

The rest of the time passes in silence, everyone focused on what the other is saying. Rose didn't realize how close her head was to her knees until Rodimus put his hand on hers, trying to rouse her out of her daze.

"Earth to Rose." He said with a chuckle.  "Are you listening to what I was saying?"

She raised her head to see him staring at her with a soft gaze in his eyes.

She smiled gently at him and shook her head slightly.

"I am sorry to have drifted off, I was just thinking about something." Rose explained sheepishly.

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