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Authors Note: This was cowritten by an AI called Dreamily. You can tell I went all out with this chapter. Also Rose goes by all pronouns, so if you see anything else being said for zir it means its all. But ze/zir is her mains.

She's still genderless though.

The walk to Ultra Magnus felt like a walk of shame even though Rose didn't do anything to warrant this feeling. 

Rose walked down what seemed to be for an eternity, walking  into the same room and heading down the hallways which seemed to repetive to the captains quarters. She knew exactly which door he was in, but as she walked closer she could hear another voice coming from inside.

"You were supposed to stay away, not come here."

She couldn't make out any words, only a few snippets. The other person sounded angry or frustrated at something. It was clear from his tone that they had a fight.
Rose took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Go away!" he screamed. "I said I don't want you here!"

"Magnus, please! I need to talk to you," she pleaded through the door.

She could tell Megatron and Ultra Magnus were fighting once again, it wasn't everyday that the two will clash with different ideals. Especially since he was the Decepticon leader, Magnus was bound to be wary.

It took a few more minutes before the door opened.

"What do you want?" Ultra Magnus demanded. His face was flushed and covered in grime. He looked exhausted and worn. Rose could see why. He probably hadn't slept in days now.

Her eyes darted around the room, trying to gauge where he was sleeping. There was apparently no bed in his office, so it could mean that Ultra Magnus has been working himself to the bone. 

She sighed and made her way to Magnus and looked him in the optics. "I came to speak to you regarding my schedule."

He looked confused for just a moment before recognition dawned on him. "Oh yeah, we can reschedule it, right now we really-"

"It is important that you take care of yourself. You look terrible. Please allow me to make sure you're alright. I am not going anywhere until we finish this discussion."

Ultra Magnus let out a sigh, and sat down, It was clear she was not going to let it go. He closed his optics and ran his servo down his face before looking back up at her.

"Alright. But you have to promise not to interrupt me again. This is important."

"I will try my best," she said confidently. She didn't think she would actually be able to keep her word. 

"Well, there was an incident with Rung, and I wanted to reschedule." Rose said, looking up to Magnus, his faceplates scrunched up and he looked down. 

"What happened in that room?" Magnus inquires. Rose agreed not to talk of this, so she sighed. 

"I can't exactly say, but I want to make the change. I'm exactly sure Rung would want this too." Rose said, remembering the expression Rung had on his faceplates that night. 

His faceplates were stern but there was some kind of sadness lurking in his eyes. She wondered if she should apologize to Rung. Perhaps he'll give her a chance to fix everything? He doesn't have to forgive her...but he must know, right?

"Alright then, consider it changed, I won't notify Rung of your decision. Judging by your schedule its always booked so I might let you have the first few hours to yourself." Magnus said. 

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