unresolved feelings

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Zey couldn't sleep. That day played over and over and over again in zir processor. 

That image... 

Rung was a friend, someone who zey could count on for guidance and support often to walk in the comforts of his office to speak to him about zir wishes and future ideas. 

The same mech who zey listened to go on and on about model plane ships. 

This is a mech who was zir former therapist.

Zey regarded him as just a friend. But zey knew. Zey knew in that moment. That he wasn't just a friend to zir. It was more than a casual hookup, there was something there.

But there was one teensy problem. 

They can't explore that desire they so desperately crave. That desire that they felt that night was nothing more than a mistake. 

If zey couldn't face him, what could possibly compare to this? Better yet, how could zey fathom facing Rung after what had went down in that room?  

what would zey feel? sad? angry? confused? embarassed? or perhaps completely disorientated? 

Rose knew there was a small chance that Rung didn't feel the same, and that caused zir to in turn, not pursue a relationship farther. 

How was zey going to recover from this shitstorm? Better yet. How would this affect their friendship moving forwards?

Rose was scared of all the possible answers, but zey knew, zey knew, deep down that there was many possible outcomes to this but chose not to continue thinking. 

As the floor froze over, Rose debated on going to Ultra Magnus to change zir route. But before zey could go out the door opened. 

"Hey, Rose! Um, do you think you can come help me real quick?" It was Rodimus.

Rose and Rodimus never had any interactions at all, other from the causal greetings. They were just that busy. 

Rose didn't know what Rodimus needed help with just yet, but hey! This should atleast get zir away from Rung. 

Zey didn't know what zey were going to do if ze were in the same room as Rung, but rest assured; it wasn't going to end well. 

Rose forgotten how long the ship was, it was small on the outside but bigger in the inside, there were various rooms at the ready for each and everybot. 

Rose never minded that, it was a new thing that zey enjoyed. Ze knew about the confines of small spaces and structures of a ship since ze travelled through space often. 

Rodimus attempted numerous times to try and strike up a conversation, but Roses' silence and unwillingness to respond made it harder to do exactly that. 

So, in turn, Rodimus went silent and decided to wait until they arrived to their destination to talk to Rose, which is inside the ships engines. 

"Navis has been a little bit uncomfortable for awhile, he's not looking too well." Rodimus explains, "We thought you can help, since you've worked with ships before..." Rodimus said. 

Rose nods and walks up to the engine, Rose felt a nudge against zir leg and a toolbox was nearby. The floors of Navis then went back down. 

"Thank you Navis." Rose leans down to take a screwdriver and opened up the panel towards of the engine, zey noticed that some areas of the engine were leaking. 

Ze leans down and grabs a wrench before securing the leaking pipe. Rose wiped down the pipe from the excessive fluids left over. 

Zey put away the wrench as the toolbox was carried away by Navis' floors. "That should solve the discomfort that Navis is feeling, and possibly the creaking." 

Rose said, zey knew that they weren't a tech junky. But zey held basic knowledge about ships that zey could fix Navis. 

"Thank stars it wasn't anything serious." 

Rose nods. "Navis should take it easy, but what do I know? I'm not Ratchet." Rose said, wiping off zir servos from the motor oil. 

"The engine should at least have an upkeep for every two deca-cycles. I really should bring this up to Magnus, assuming he already knows." Rose said. 

"You know Magnus, he's too busy focusing on the sprinklers to even come in here, between you and me..." Rodimus comes closer to Rose, "He'd have a spark attack if he saw how this room is." Rodimus whispers.

Rose knew what Rodimus was talking about, Ultra Magnus has severe OCD. The slightest of anything out of order were enough to make the Commander freak.

There was at least 50 rules set in place for how organized the ship may be. By organize he meant cleanliness. 

Rose shook zir helm and turned to face Rodimus. "I have to go, Rodimus have you seen Magnus?" Rose inquires.

Rodimus places a servo on his chin in thought. "Magnus is in our captains quarters. Why'd you ask?" 

"Oh nothing far too important I suppose, I needed to make some changes to my schedule. Thanks for telling me!" 

Rung found himself at his desk tidying it, he was still thinking about the night before. 

He couldn't really fathom why he reacted the way he did, he knew things wouldn't be the same after this. 

So why did he still feel something? Why must he torture himself with these thoughts plaguing his thought system? 

He needed to stop thinking about zir, just for one moment. 

He looked at the clock in hopes of it distracting him, it was almost time for his first session. 

Usually, Rose would have left... 
By then...

There he goes thinking about zir, then again, he wouldn't show up after what had went down that night in that locked room. 

He wished that things could return to normal, but he knew things will never be normal.

Not ever again. 

He knew in situations like these, he wasn't supposed to think like this.

But can you really fault him for feeling this way? He potentially lost a close friend to him, possibly jeopardized their relationship...

And you THINK they could go back as friends, without there being any impact to the relationship?

Highly unlikely. 

With a sigh, Rung awaited his first patient of the day. Once again left alone with the sinking feeling of unresolved feelings. 

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