Chapter 8: Undeniable attraction & Stirrings

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Poseidon sighed when he walked into the throne didn't want to be here, not now he felt like this. Not now he was in a very foul mood and had neither self-control nor patience. The tiniest thing would make him attack someone, he knew.

He normally was a cheerful person, but at this moment he felt like he would kill anyone who would come too close to him. He just wanted peace, quiet and sleep. And if anyone dared to defy him that, he would attack them.

He rubbedd his dry, blood-shed eyes, stiffling a yawn. He had just walked in and had already trouble keeping his eyes open. It would be impossible to stay awake when his brother gave one of his speeches. He couldn't even stay awake when he wasn't exhausted, let alone when he was.

He hadn't even wanted to come, but Zeus had insisted. Had practically forced him to come, not taking no as an answer. At times like these, he really hated his brother. And especially hated his horrible timing.

Zeus have some good qualities and be king of the gods, but he certainly made some grave mistakes every now and then. He could be clumpsy and idiotic, acting without really thinking about it. Which was probably the reason he had ignored the fact that Poseidon was tired and urged him to come nonetheless. Poseidon didn't feel happy about it.

No matter what Poseidon had said or done, Zeus had insisted he should come. He had ignored his brother's blood-shed eyes, the dark bags under his eyes or the murderous looks Poseidon had send him.

And to make this even worse for Poseidon, he had been annoyingly cheerful. Or at least compared to Poseidon, who had been and still was, tense, grumphy and exhausted. Like he still was.

Poseidon had never craved for some coffee or sleep before. Something that him feel less tired and not ready to collapse or kill someone -preferably Zeus-. Too bad he wouldn't get such a thing.

Poseidon had just entered the throne room when he saw something that made him want to turn and go leave, regardless of the had the feeling that the consequences of leaving would be less horrible than those of staying when he saw it.

In some corner, Aphrodite and the goddesses next to her were whispering and giggling. Most people ignored them, but some looked weary and kept glancing in their direction. Whispers and giggles were never a good sign after all. It only meant trouble. Especially if Aphrodite was giggling and whispering.

Poseidon tried to make himself smaller, hoping that Aphrodite would leave him alone today. He really didn't want to deal with her craziness today.

Normally, when he was well-rested, he wouldn't mind that much. He would still think Aphrodite was bossy, annoying and too persistent for her own good, but at least he wouldn't feel horrible. He would feel slightly annoyed, but soon forget it.

Right now, he really wouldn't be able to control himself if she would talk to him. He wouldn't be able to surpress the overwhelming urge to kill her - even if it wasn't possible- he knew. So he could better avoid her. Or deal with the consequences.

He walked towards his throne, not really paying attention to any of the gods, when he saw was sitting on the throne next to his, looking otherworldly and just perfect.

He immediately felt better when he saw her sitting on her throne, making wild gestures with her hands. She looked flawless, like always.

Her beautiful, ravenblack hair was in a ponytail, with a few hairs escaping and falling around her face. She was wearing a grey blouse, that looked great with her grey eyes and jeans.

She also wore black, high heeled boots. He couldn't remember a time where she hadn't worn boots. She just loved them. Poseidon had once hear her call her love for boots her only fashion fetish.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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