Chapter 4: Caught on tape

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Athena sighed. She, along with all the other Olympian gods and goddesses, was in the throne room. They were present for another so-called important meeting, Zeus talking all the time. And she was extremely bored.

Even Athena despised Zeus' boring and peeving speeches. He spoke in a montonic voice and the subjects were mostly the same. Besides, it always took hours before he was finished. No one was able to keep listening for long.

He had been speaking for a really long time- Athena had lost track of time, but it felt like days- and Athena found it unattainable to concentrate on Zeus' speech.

She looked around, inspecting the other Olympian gods and goddesses and discovered they seemed to be just as bored as she was.

Aphrodite seemed to be checking her make-up and blowing herself kisses. Athena rolled her eyes when she saw that. If goddesses had flaws, vanity would be on top of Aphrodite's list. Or maybe narcissism.

Deciding to ignore Aphrodite since it would only succeed in provoking Athena, she looked at Hepheastus to see what he was thinking of his vain and selfish wife. It turned out that he was ignoring her, tickling with something in his hands. It seemed really complicated,although Athena failed to see what exactly it was from this angle.

Ares was grinning, looking at Aphrodite and flexing his muscles- no doubt trying to catch her attention. Athena shook her head at his stupidity. Aphrodite was too occupied with smiling at herself to notice him and Athena didn't comprehend how Aphrodite could find that idiot appealing when he did that. He looked like he had some mental problem, if you asked her.

Demeter and Hades were glaring at each other while Demeter was eating a lot of cereal and kept throwing bits of it at Hades, smirking every time she succeeded in hitting him. Hades kept glancing at her, while trying to avoid the cereal.

Apollo was listening to music, his head bobbing, while he read a magazine about the coolest cars- which Athena could indicate from the title; the coolest cars ever.

Artemis was sharpening her arrows while glaring at her brother. She seemed even more bored than Athena. Athena smiled at her before observing Hermes.

Hermes was talking softly in his phone, like usual. His face showed he was very agitated, he was frowing and gesturing while talking. He didn't seem to acknowledge the other gods at all.

Hestia was busy with the heart, like always, and shook her head, obviously provoked by Zeus boring speech.

Hera was reading a book called; how to stop your cheating husband, sometimes putting it down to glare at Zeus.

Poseidon was using the small amounts of water in the air to make water figures. Athena smiled when she saw he was making a little water Zeus , running away from a furious Hera.

She was busy watching Poseidon and his water figures and didn't notice Dionysos, who had been sleeping a minute before, suddenly awoke and smirked. The look in his eyes told he was going to do something crazy and infuriating soon.

At that moment, Zeus finsihed his speech about who-knows-what and cleared his throat. " All right, now I have finished my very important announcement, is there anyone who wants to comment or say anything else?".

He looked around the room and the gods stopped their previous activities to appear interested. No one said something until Dionysos suddenly smiled, a very evil smile may I add, and got from his throne. "I do have us all to show something, in fact. Something we will all find very amusing. It's almost as good as wine" he said.

Athena narrowed her eyes when she saw him look her way briefly. She certainly didn't like the way he looked at her, his eyes sparkling misschieviously. What reason would that puny god have to speculate me in that way? It indicates sadistic pleasure, like he has something embarressing to say that regards and- oh no.

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