Chapter 3: Handcuffed

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" Are you sure this isn't going to get us killed?" A frightened Apollo said, holding Athena in his arms. She was fast asleep; you could hear her exhale and inhale. Her soft breathing was the only movement she made, the rest of her body was completely frozen and she lay comfortably in Apollo's arms. Dressed in a short, black nightgown.

She stirred in her sleep and Apollo froze, his eyes widening. " Mmm yes" she mumbled and continued sleeping. Apollo relaxed slightly, but looked down at the unconscious wisdom goddess in his arms with a mix of fear and absolute terror. The same sort of look someone's worst nightmare would receive.

Hermes sighed. He was dragging a unconscious Poseidon along. You could hear Poseidon snore very softly and mumble something about pie. He was dressed in pants only, leaving his chest bare.

" Apollo. We are immortal! We can not die. Even Athena wouldn't be able to kill us" Hermes said slowly, in the same tone someone would speak to a toddler.

Apollo looked at Athena, who lay her head on his shoulder and sighed softly in her sleep, and swallowed nervously. Despite the fact she looked calm and peaceful now, Apollo was really scared. She could be very intimidating and ominous after all. " Yeah. It's just, she is the goddess of wisdom. She could do some pretty nasty things to us. Besides, she is Arty's best friend. What if Arty will get mad at me for doing something like this to her friend"?

" Artemis is practically always mad at you. Why do you suddenly care?".

Apollo shrugged. " Don't know actually. Maybe if I write a haiku about this, it-".

" No haiku's! Let's just do it". Apollo lay Athena down on a big double bed with curtains and a lot of pillows. The entire room had the appearance and ethos of a fiarytale. The bed was a bright shade of red, with curtains of silk and little pillows on it.

Next to the bed were two drawers, with books in some foreign language and a small lamp that looked like an exact replica of the lamp from Aladdin. There was one mirror, in the form of a laughing face. Before the bed, there was a large carpet that seemed to be an exact replica of the fleeing carpet in Aladdin. The walls were red and the ceiling held beautiful paintings, all of mythological creatures.

The surprising thing was, Apollo, Hermes and the two sleeping beauty's were in Athena's room. You would expect a room like that to belong to Aphrodite rather than Athena, but it really was Athena's room. Apparently, the goddess of wisdom had another side nobody knew off. A side that liked rooms that resembled fairy tales.

Hermes looked around him and shook his head. He wore an expression of disbelief. " Would you have expected Athena had a room like this? It reminds me of some fairytale".

Apollo shrugged. " I suppose so. Definetely not something that you would expect from our know-it-all. He! I feel a haiku coming up!".

Hermes groaned and covered his ears. No matter how much he liked Apollo, and they were best friends so he liked him a lot, he hated his haiku's. They were horrible.

" I am so awesome. Athena is a know-it-all. This will be funny" Apollo said, grinning like a madman.

Hermes shivered. It seemed like Apollo's haiku's were getting worse, if possible. He hadn't believed it would be possible, but Apollo's haiku's gave him even bigger headaches than they had at the beginning.

Apollo grinned at Hermes, looking very satisfied with himself and no longer frightened. Hermes sighed. " Wow Apollo. Just wow. Can we now continue our prank?".

Apollo shrugged. " Sure. Let's do this!".

He looked towards the sleeping Athena. He could have sworn her eyes were slightly open. Which would be bad new for him and Hermes. She would kill them if she opened her eyes and discovered they were in her bedroom. " Ehhm Hermes, are you sure our smartypants is sleeping?".

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