Chapter 6: A surprise cake

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"Come on smartypants, take a bite! I have baked it all for you and it took me ages!"Poseidon begged, a cake in his hands.

He had been trying to get Athena take a piece for hours now, but she kept no matter what he tried, she wouldn't give in. It's almost like she knows what kind of cake it is.. Ah well, I just have to get her to eat it and Hermes will have to admit I am a great prankster.

Athena sighed. " I do not require a piece of your so-called cake Poseidon. So stop your pathetic attempts at making me ingest even the tiniest piece of cake!".

Poseidon frowned. " Ingest? Which weird person would possibly use that word?".

Athena sighed. " It is a synonym for eat you simpleton".

" Feather brain, you have promised me to stop being a human encyclopeadic around me and use words I can actually comprehend- I mean understand. Argh, you are making me use complicated vocubulary! See, I never use words like that!".

Athena grinned. "Which only confirms my presence has a positive result on you. You are actually gaining some knowledge!".

Poseidon rolled his eyes. " I never said I wanted to. Eat!". He offered her a fork with piece of cake, but Athena shook her head. "No matter what you try Poseidon, you won't prevail in urging me to ingest or eat, if you crave for me to call it that- that cake. Do you even possess any prove you haven't poisened that cake?".

Poseidon pouted. "That is not fair! We are - what do you call it again-.. frenemies now! I won't poison you, I promise".

Athena gave the piece of cake he offered her the same look someone else would give to a mix of spiders and worms. Complete disgust. She looked horrified, like it was the most disgusting thing that existed. While it actually looked pretty good.

" I refuse to even considering devouring this! Besides,do you even possess the abillity that is required to bake a cake?".

"Yes! Hestia helped me!".

" I really feel pity for her. Urged to waste a day like that. Also, I'm posetively surprised you didn't try to force something else on her. Didn't you desire to marry her once?".

"That was eons ago! Just eat my pie!".

No! I won't eat anything you offer me".

Poseidon pouted and looked at his cake. It looked delicious. It had taken him,all afternoon, but he had managed to make a delicious cake. Hestia had helped him, he hadn't lied about that, but after they had made a cake together, he had made this one himself. He knew Hestia would never agree with his little prank. She would be really disappointed and warn Athena.

Poseidon looked at Athena again and smiled. She was frowning at him, folding her arms and gave him a no-way look. I am so going to convince her to eat my delicious cake he thought. He had to. If he could prank Athena, then Hermes had to believe Poseidon was great at pranks.

He smirked at her. " Will you eat it if I say ingest instead of eat?".

He immediately saw her face soften and she laughed. "No. Nothing will convince me to devour your cake, I won't even eat a microscopic piece of it".

Poseidon frowned. She really had to eat his cake. At least a piece of it. He smiled when he suddenly got a good idea. He would just make her give one of her lectures and put the piece of cake in her mouth. It might, okay would, outrage her, but soon it wouldn't matter. As soon as the cake actually started working. He would then officially be an awesome pranker. Even Hermes would have to admit it.

He smiled at her. " Hey Athena, what were you saying lately about that new discovery concerning DNA techniques".

Athena immediately looked a lot happier, smiling at him. " Well, I was merely making you aware of the fact that- MM! Posei-".

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