Chapter 7: A ride of love

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"Why again are we here owlhead?". A grumphy Poseidon asked a provoked Athena, who was trying very hard to ignore him.

She gave him a sharp look. " You are very well aware of the reason we are finding ourselves in this situation Kelp head".

" I am?".

" I sincerely hope you are trying to peeve me and not actually are being honest when you behave like you have no idea".

He sighed, looking rather like a lost puppy with plain confusion written over his face. He glanced at her , almost accusingly, and sighed another time.

" Why are we here again?".

Athena gave Poseidon, who was walking next to her, an exasperated look. She clearly couldn't believe he could be that thick-headed. He couldn't be obtuse enough to not know the answer to that simple question. But , judging from the confused look he currently wore, he could.

She sighed and asked herself why again she had allowed the obtuse, infuriating and obviously feckless man to go with her. She must have been insane to allow him to accompany her. Why had she been insane enough to allow him , again?

Oh that is right, she hadn't. He had to come with her. She didn't have a choice or anything to say in the matter. She had to allow him to come with her. While he didn't seem to have any use, other than to make her get homicidal tendencies.

Rigjt now, he was making her slowly lose her self-control. Every time he opened his mouth, something came out of it that made her even more annoying. Every single time he managed to say something infuriating and maddening. Every. Single. TIME!

Athena took a deep breath, reminding herself it was impossible to kill the thick-headed sea god, no matter how much she wanted to kill him. Or throw him into Tartarus. Anything that would make him stop talking really. She had never met a person, or god, that was as annoying as he was.

She turned towards him, fully prepared to have to deal with another stupid, infuriating question when she saw him.

She had to bit her lip to keep herself from smiling. He was looking around with this peculiar expression. One of curiousity and childlike innocence. It made him a lot less annoying. It always made her smile when he looked like that.

Sometimes, he looked like that. Like he was still a little boy and everything in the world seemed to surprise him. Like he didn't know the cruelity of the world yet and saw magic everywhere. Like he could still believe in Santa Claus.

Athena found the childlike innocence and wonder he possessed at times odly fascinating. She had issues believing it was possible to still possess that wonder, that innocence, only children had when you were centuries old and had seen more wars you care to remember. She couldn't believe someone could keep it with him for all those centuries, even afer seeing and participating in wars and knowing all too well the cruelty of life.

And yet, Poseidon still possessed it. Among other things that made him different and interesting, although she would never admit it, to Athena. He was so full of oppositions.

He could be utterly clueless at times and surprisingly smart, one would almost say wise, at others. He could be immature, infuriating and foolish, but also serious, calm and steady. He could be one thing one day, and the complete opposite the next day.

All the different aspects of his character made him interesting to Athena. It made spending time with him stimulating and enjoyable. She would never admit, but she enjoyed arguing and spending time with him.

Of course, he could drive her crazy with his comments and attitude, but he was also one of the only persons that could make her laugh. Even when she didn't feel exactly happy. He would always manage to make her laugh.

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