Chapter 2

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(This chapter is dedicated to Lunar_Moon15, Wolfiefox7899, and ellaa_51207.
For always being the first to vote or comment and for being my biggest fan! Thank you, you three!)

The whole day passed by with me going crazy over Bakugou.
I followed him everywhere with Mina.
He was just so hot and amazing and cool!

Mina and I were sitting on a bench outside the school building eating ice cream.
"Did you see how he looked today!? He makes any look, look super hot! Like seriously! Usually, guys who don't wear their ties properly or their coats look unorganized, but Bakugou looked so hot!"
"I know, Mari. I know. I still don't get why you like him so much."
"It's just that....he's amazing. He's rude, grumpy, and mean sometimes....but....he has this sweet spot deep inside his heart. He can be kind and sweet in his own way. He's also handsome, smart, cool, strong, brave, nice, and so much more!"
"Woah...ok girl." I giggled.

"See ya girl!"
"Bye Mina!" We both split ways to go home.

I got to my house excitedly.
"Hey, sweetie. How was school?"
"Great mom! Gotta go. Homework." I ran up to my room and locked my door.
I put my bag down on the side. 
I went to my table and grabbed this small black prism box with a red design.
I opened it and saw a pair of black earrings.
I giggled silently and put them on making them glow red.
Slowly the glow went over my whole body and I dropped to the floor.

"These earrings will turn you into a cat. And you can do whatever you want. But you got to change back into a human before midnight. If you don' may stay a cat forever." The old short man instructed.
"Ok Master Fu. Thank you." I nodded.
"Anytime my child. Enjoy your freedom."

Master Fu gave me these earrings when I bumped into him one day. I was having a bad day in middle school so he said turning into a cat for a while can make me lose my stress as a human. And ever since then I've been using these earrings. 

I jumped off my roof and started running to my destination. 
I was a black cat with bright blue bell eyes. 

Bakugou's POV:
I'm Bakugou Katsuki.
16 years old standing at 5 feet 8 inches. I have blonde spiky ashy hair. I have deep red eyes.
I go to U.A High school. My best friend is Kirishima but I don't tell him that. I have other friends too. Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. 
Mina is best friends with Marinette.
A girl from my middle school.
She's sweet and all but she was bullied for being weird.
I never really cared about her but one day I was leaving school later and saw her getting beat up outside.
So I ended up helping her and ever since then....she's always been around me. She always stutters around me and gets nervous.
Which is weird.
Well, whatever.

I got home from U.A Highschool.
"Brat! Welcome home!"
"Hey, Hag," I mumbled.
"Don't you dare call me that!" She slapped the back of my head.
"Honey. Katsuki. Please."
"Hey old man."
"Don't be rude to your dad!"
"Whatever. I'm going to my room."
I went to my room with I dare say, excitement. 

I went to my room, shut my door and put my bag on the floor.
I had a bed right next to my window. A desk and a shelf. Not much.

I went to my bed and opened my window. 
I stuck my head out and looked on both sides. 
I have a ledge by my window and you can see grass from my window.
"Chibi?" I looked both ways looking for my friend. 
"Shit!" Something fell on my face and I fell off my bed. 
"Chibi..." I mumbled, picked up the small black cat, and lifted it above my face.
Yep. My friend was a small black cat with bluebell eyes. 
I met her one evening, in middle school.
It was late and raining.
I was walking home when I heard a meow so I checked it out.

"Fucking shit! Should've brought an umbrella!" I groaned.
"..." I froze. It sounded like a cat. 
What's a cat doing outside right now?
I looked around until I found it.

It was behind a wall under a bush.
It was small and black.
Some people say black cats are bad luck. But when I saw its bluebell eyes...I couldn't just leave it here. 
I lifted it gently and held it like you hold a baby.
I cuddled it to my chest trying to keep it warm.
"Hey, there little girl." I cooed.
I put my finger in front of it and it played with my finger.
"What are you doing out here?" I whispered.
I looked around and realized there were no other cats around here.
"I'll take you home, ok?"
It just snuggled into my wet coat.
"Wait." I lifted it and put it under my shirt against my chest. My skin is warmer than my shirt.
It purred and closed its eyes.

I started running home.
I took it to my room, cleaned it, and covered it with tiny clothes. 
The next morning, it was gone.

But every day, after school it showed up at my house. 

"Hey Chibi.." I mumbled and sat up putting the black cat in my lap.
"How was your day, Chibi?" I pet its back and scratched behind its ear.
It purred and rubbed against my thigh.
"Had a good day?" I smirked at it.
It was in so much pleasure from my scratches that it couldn't do anything besides purring. 

I was at my desk doing my homework.
I was tapping my pencil against my book. 
"Meow!" Chibi jumped on my desk and walked around my book.
"Hey, girl.." I laid my cheek on my book and petted Chibi's head. My palm covered its whole head. 
"You're lucky you have no homework..." It stared at me with its beautiful bluebell eyes. 
I pulled it closer to my face and smelled its beautiful black silky fur.
"You smell like strawberries.." I murmured against its fur.
"Meow." It put its front paws on my hair and messed with it. 
" Chibi.."
It nudged my face with its head and cuddled into my neck.

"Hey Chibi. I brought dinner." 
Chibi likes the food I cook. Never ate any of the cat food I bought.
"Here girl. Fish. Just like you like it." I grinned and watched it eat.
It suddenly looked up at the clock on my bedside table.
It ran to my bed and clawed at my window.
"You want to leave, girl?" I asked while sitting on my bed.
It clawed and meowed.
"Alright. See ya Chibi." I opened my window and it ran out. 
I sighed and closed my window and laid down on my bed.

I already miss her. 

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