Chapter 4

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A week passed and every day is torture. My mom is looking for a boyfriend. And that keeps reminding me that my dad is gone. Bakugou still isn't showing much interest in me. 

"Hey, girl! You ok?"
"Yep! Why?"
"I don't just seem off."
"Nope! I'm fine! Let's go! I want to see Bakugou!"
We got to school and I saw Bakugou with his friends.
"Hey, guys!"
"Hey, Mina! Marinette!" We walked up to the boys.
"How are you ladies doing today?"
"Great! What about you Mari~" Mina teased. 
"Fine thanks." I smiled. 
We went inside the school and went to our classes. 

Mina and I were eating lunch outside.
"Can you believe it! Bakugou looked at me!"
"He always looks at you!"
"But not with those eyes! He wasn't glaring this time!"
"I don't even know what you see in him Marinette!" Jeremy and his other friend showed up out of nowhere.
The thing is everyone knows I have a huge crush on Bakugou but Bakugou himself. Or maybe he does know but doesn't care. 
"Why do you care?" I huffed.

"You're just wasting your time. I mean. He's a jerk. Rude. Thinks he's all better than us because he gets good grades! Doesn't talk to anyone because he thinks he's above all of us!"
"Shut up!"
"Marinette!" Mina gasped.
I stood up and walked up to Jeremy.
"Don't you dare ever say that about Bakugou!"
"What are you going to do about it? Huh?"

My hand stung but I was too mad to notice. 
"Why you!" he grabbed the collar of my jacket and pushed me against the wall.
"You think you're all that! You're just wasting your time with him! He's a jerk! Selfish! Rude and mean! Why would he want you!" He yelled then punched my nose.
"Marinette! Stop! Help!" Students poked their heads out of the windows and watched the scene.
"Bakugou is not that! He's kind and sweet! He studies and earns the grades he gets! He's caring and smart! Things you won't ever be!" I yelled feeling blood drizzle out of my nose.
"You piece of-"
"Jeremy! You should stop!" His friend said.
"Not until she's done!" He slapped me making my cheek sting.
"Jeremy stop!" Mina shouted.

Bakugou's POV:

I was eating lunch with the guys. 
"So...Bakubro...any thoughts on Marinette?"
"None? Oh, she's pretty? Cute? Nice? Anything?"
"There's a fight going on!"
"Fight! Come on!"
"Let's check it out." We stood up and went where everyone was standing.
We went to the hallway and peeked out through the window.
Jeremy had Marinette pinned against the wall outside and it looks like her nose is bleeding.
"Marinette! Stop! Help!" Mina shouted.
"Bakugou is not that! He's kind and sweet! He studies and earns the grades he gets! He's caring and smart! Things you won't ever be!" Marinette yelled making me feel weird.
"You piece of-" Jeremy started but got cut off by his friend.
"Jeremy! You should stop!" His friend says. 
"Not until she's done!" He slaps her.
"Jeremy stop!" Mina shouted.

I had enough and ran off and towards the exit.
I ran down the steps and turned corners and got outside.
"Jeremy! Stop!"
"Oi!" I yelled and when he turned around I punched him hard in the face.
He was about to fall but I grabbed him by his collar and threw it against a tree.
"Who the fuck do you think you are!? Fucking hitting a girl!? Do you have any shame!? I may be rude but at least I don't lay my hands on girls!" Unless they deserve it. 
I glared at him and he ran off.
I turned towards Marinette and was sitting on the floor with Mina trying to clean her nose.
"Leave. I'll handle this." I bent down and lifted her bridal style.
I started walking away with her. 
"You idiot." I clicked my tongue against my teeth and kept walking.

I took her to the nurse's office and waited for her while the nurse patched her up.
Once she was done, I walked with her to our next class.

While we were walking alone in the hallways I pushed her against the lockers making her gasp.
"Why'd you do it?" I growled lowly.
"Why'd I do what?"
"Don't think you don't know. Why'd you say those stuff about me? You don't know shit about me!"
"Be-because! It's true! He was talking bad about you!"
"I don't fucking care! You don't have to fucking help me! I can stand up for myself!" I stared into her eyes. Her big bluebell eyes. Bluebell. So familiar.
I huffed and walked away. 
"But thanks.." I muttered quietly. 

Marinette's POV:

After classes were over, I went home.

"Ugh, mom! Please!"
"S-sorry honey." My mom said getting off the dark-haired man. Both of them had pick cheeks being caught from me.
"Anyways I'm going to my room."
"Wait-" I slammed the door to the hallway shut. 
I can't believe she's already making out with other guys.
Whatever, I don't care.

I changed into Chibi and ran towards Bakugou's house.
I got to the ledge and scratched at his window.
A few seconds later, I saw him come into his room.
He looked up at the window and smiled big at me making me feel butterflies in my tummy.
"Hey, there girl. You're early." he opened the window and grabbed me in his big hands and rubbed his cheek against my fur. 
"You're so warm and fuzzy." He mumbled.
I pawed at his face making him look at me. 
"My little Chibi." He rubbed his nose against my nose.
I stared at his closed eyes.
He looked so calm and at peace.

We were on his bed.
I was on his lap laying while he studied with the book in his hand. 
He kept petting my back while I napped.

I heard him sigh and put his book down on the bed.
I peeked one eye open to see him.
He was just staring down at the bed with a faraway look in his eyes.
I sat up and meowed.
"Hm?" He looked at me and lifted me from my armpits.
He laid down and kept me above his face.

"I know this girl..." He started staring into my eyes.
"She's weird. But at the same time kind and amazing. She's adorable but I didn't tell anyone this. So she stuck up for me and got beat up by this jerk in school. I mean...she's always been nervous around me ever since Middle School so I thought she was scared of me or shit. I don't know. But when she complimented me and said I was amazing and shit...I felt weird."
"Oh...he's talking about me."
"Anyways...since I didn't want to tell anyone, I told you, Chibi. What should I do?"
I just stared down at his eyes.
I leaned down and licked his face making him chuckle.
"Yea...thought you would say that." He chuckled and turned over and laid me down on the bed and started tickling me. 
I meowed and tried moving away but he kept me pinned down. 
"You're adorable Chibi," he mumbled then rubbed his nose on my fluffy tummy. 

Bakugou x MarinetteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant