Chapter 3

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(When in Marinette's POV and it's like this    "hi!" Like italic and quotation marks in Marinette's POV means she's talking in her cat mind. Like she's talking but in her mind like a cat. I hope you guys understand! Enjoy!)

Marinette's POV:
That was amazing!

As you guys probably guessed by now...I'm Chibi! Bakugou gave me that name!
I've been visiting him ever since he took care of me when it was raining.
That was the first day, I was a cat. I wanted to try it out but when I did it started raining.

But every day, I leave before midnight so I can turn back into a human. 
I can understand Bakugou. I can also talk to other cats. I can also talk to Master Fu because he seems to always show up during random times. 

I ran on the rooftops and got to my balcony.
I did a flip then I turned into a human.
I took off my earrings and put them in the container. I put the container in one of my drawers and went to do my homework.

"Marinette! You're going to be late!"
"Ah!" I fell off my bed and ran around my room trying to get ready.
"Damnit alarm! You never ring!" I grabbed my tie, coat and my bag and ran out of my house.
I was struggling to put my coat and tie on.
I passed the spot Mina and I meet. She probably already went inside. 

I ran inside the school bumping into a wall.
"Ugh!" I groaned and rubbed my nose.
"Tch dumbass, really?" I looked up to see Bakugou glaring down at me.
"Uhh hehe s-sorry Bak-Bakugou." I mumbled and blushed.
"Here." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.
"Th-Thank you! You're-you're awesome! I-I mean you're great! I-I mean...not that you're not awesome! Just-just-"
"Ugh shut up, idiot." He grabbed my tie from around my neck almost choking me and tied it up properly.
"The messy look doesn't look good on you, dumbass." He mumbled.
He pulled my coat on properly and started buttoning them. 
"Thank you..." I mumbled and looked up at him with a huge smile.
He stared at me for a while then looked away after hitting the back of my head.
"Whatever. We have class. Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.

I was smiling even though he hit my head. He was holding my hand! Well, not my arm but still!

"You two. Why are you late?" Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa asked while glaring at us.

Mr. Aizawa....he's....different. His teaching skills are unique and he's sometimes mean. He sleeps all the time but looks like he doesn't get any sleep. He has long black wild hair and a slight stubble that you can't see unless you look. 
He sounds and looks mean....but he really does care for his class and always wants the best for us.

"Sorry! I woke up late!"
"And I got held back because of this idiot."
"Whatever. get to your seats."

And the best thing of all that I probably forgot to mention, is that I sit right behind Bakugou. 
I sat down with a silent giggle and I saw Mina sigh.

It was finally time to go home. I was super excited. 

"Hey, girl. Want to hang out?"
"Su-" My phone rang.
I turned it on to see my mom messaging me telling me to come home right away.
"Sorry. I gotta go home. Mom's calling me. I'll text you later!"
"Alright. See ya!"

So you guys may be wondering, where's my dad? The thing is....he and my mom argue a lot. Sometimes they're the cutest couple out there. But then when they's really bad. 
My dad leaves the house and comes back after a few days or so. Sometimes even a week. 
I never said anything because he always came back. 
But it hurts...seeing your parents fight and argue. 

"Hey, mom! I'm home!"
"Hey sweetie....come here for a minute. We need to talk."
"Ok.." I took off my shoes and went to the living room to see my mom on the couch and my dad standing a little far away.
"Dad! You're back!"
"Hey, sweetheart." He smiled slightly.
"Is...everything ok?"
"Marinette sweetheart we-"
"Just tell her straight up."
"No! We can't just do-"
"We're getting a divorce."
"We're getting a divorce. We can't do this anymore. We fight every day."
"Please say, something sweetie."
"Yea. What am I supposed to do? It's your relationship. Whatever you guys think is best." I shrugged.
"Oh...are you sure?"
"Yep! I'm glad you guys figured it out and you guys won't fight every day anymore. Now I gotta go. I have homework."

"I can't believe it. I'm fine. I don't care. It's going to be the same but now dad won't ever come home. Fine."
I jumped off a roof and continued walking.
I just needed to be cuddled right now.

I climbed the ledge and peeked in through the opened window.
I climbed into the room and crawled towards his sleeping arms.
"sigh This is the life."
I snuggled my head to his chest and closed my eyes.
I felt myself get lifted and above Bakugou's face.
His gorgeous face with his gorgeous red eyes and perfect straight nose and pink soft looking lips. 
"Hey, there girl." He rested me on his chest and scratched my ear making me purr. 
" like that don't you?" He smirked. 
I leaned my head against his palm wanting him to continue scratching me. 
"You ok, girl?"
"You look upset...and more clingy.."
"How did he know I was upset?"
"Meow." I just closed my eyes and laid my chin up on top of my paws on his chest. 
He petted my head making my ears go back.
He rubbed my back and laid his big hand there.

After a little nap, he had to start his homework so I just sat right next to his book while he did homework. 
He would pet and scratch me every few seconds. 
"I can't believe my parents got a divorce. So I won't see my dad ever again. Maybe he might visit to come to see me but yea. Will he get married again? Will he expect me to get along with her? Ugh. I hate this."
I put my paws on my head laying my head down on the table.
"You ok, Chibi? Stressed little girl? Are the numbers confusing you?" He chuckled and scratched my ears. 
I sighed and rested my head on my paws and let him pet me.

Once it was close to midnight, I ran home.
I flipped back and change back into a human.
I put the earrings back into the box and put the box down.

I decided to start my homework now.
"Hey, sweetie."
"Yea mom?"
"'re ok about what happened?"
"If you need to talk...I'm here."
"Yea...I know mom. Thanks! I'm going to go sleep soon! Good night!"
"....Good night Mari." She smiled and left my room.
"Ugh." I groaned and fell back to the floor. 

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