Chapter 7

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After running away, I went home.
My mom wasn't going to be home right now.
I went to my room and changed into Chibi. 

"I'm so upset right now. I can't believe it. Now everyone knows. Ugh."
I walked around bumping into other cats.
"Hello, Marinette." I looked up to see Master Fu sitting there. 
I went up to him and sat near him.
"Hello, Master." He can understand and hear me.
"How are you doing?"
"Not so well."
"Don't you have school right now?"
"Care to talk about it?"
"My parents go a divorce. And now my whole school knows about it and everyone's laughing at me."
"Ahh, I see...What about your friends? Bakugou?"
"They don't mind. They tried sticking up for me. Bakugou's amazing! Even though he doesn't talk with me much, he's nice to me when someone picks on me!"
"That's nice."
"And he's nice to Chibi!"
"That's nice too." He smiled at me and petted my head.
I smiled too.
"Seems like you like your cat life?"
"Would you rather stay as a cat or human?"
".....I don't want to stay as a cat for the rest of my life..."
"I see...."
He rubbed his beard.
"I think you should get back, don't you think?"
"Yea...I'll see you later, Master!"

I ran off towards my house.
I changed back into my human self.
There wasn't any point in going to school now.
I just walked around. 

Once school was over, I was standing at the place Mina and I always split up.
"Girl!" I felt Mina's arms wrap around me tightly. 
"Mina!" I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.
"I was so worried! I thought you ran away! I'm so sorry! I should've been there for you! I should've known!"
"I'm sorry too! I'm sorry I ran away!"
"Oh my god. Stop fucking crying.
"Kirishima too!"
"Kaminari here too!"
"And me!"
"We were worried about you too, Mari." They smiled...well besides Bakugou.
"Group hug!" They all hugged me tightly while Bakugou stood there on the side.

After we all walked home, I went to my room.
"Yes, mom?" I whispered.
"I got a call that you weren't in school today! Why's that?"
"Something happened...So I left."
"You just ran away!? How could you? What is your problem!?"
"What's your problem mom!? For some reason, you started hitting me too!?"
"I can't deal with you right now!" She slammed my door shut and left me alone. 
I sighed and turned into Chibi.

Bakugou's POV:
She ran away. She ran off and we couldn't find her. We looked around the school but had to go back because of classes. 
The whole day I was just thinking about her.
Where is?
Is she ok?
Why do I care?

After school was over, we all decided to walk Mina up to where she usually walks with Marinette.
When we got to the spot, we saw Marinette chilling there.
Mina ran and hugged her.
I felt relieved she was safe but I didn't know why.
I never cared for her.
Yea, I saved her a couple of times but just because she was getting bullied. 

After all of that, I went home and sat in my room waiting for Chibi to come.
She was taking a while. 
I started doing some homework.

Valentine's is coming up. In 2 days. 
I got a few chocolates and gifts throughout Middle School but I threw them out. I never needed them. 

I heard a scratch against my window.
"Hey, girl." I opened my window and lifted her.
My sweet little Chibi. So tiny and adorable. 
She purred and nuzzled against my face. 
I chuckled and rubbed my nose against her fur.
She smelled so good. 
I stared into her eyes. Her bluebell eyes.
Bluebell eyes
Marinette has the same eyes.
That's a coincidence.
I chuckled.

"So yea...that's what happened today..." After finishing my homework, I told Chibi about what happened today.
She meowed and nuzzled against my stomach. 
"She's just so...I don't know. But I feel weird now. Whenever she's around or whenever I think about her. And I don't understand it." I sighed and petted her fur.
"She's making me feel so weird. Ugh! Why? She's just so damn stupid and clumsy and adorable, cute, and ugly!" Chibi just stared at me. 
"Ugh." I laid down and put Chibi on me.

So I made Bakugou a card and a box of my homemade chocolates. 
I think he likes me from what he tells Chibi. 

It was a small white card in an envelope.
On the card I wrote:
"You are the boy I never believed could exist.
I met you.
I liked you.
I love you.
I'm keeping you!" That is what I wrote on the front.
Then on the inside, I wrote.
"Dear Bakugou.
The very first day I met you, the day you saved me in Middle School, was the first day I realized I loved you. I know you're rude, grumpy, and mean but deep down in your heart, you have a soft spot. You're kind and sweet to animals. You're smart and an amazing cook. You're handsome. Your eyes are an amazing red. I love you so much. I always think of you. I just want you to be happy. I just want to see you smile and laugh. And I hope I can be that person to make you happy. 

I grabbed the box with my chocolates and stuck the card on top of the cover.
I grabbed my school stuff and ran to school. 
"Hey girl!"
"Hey! I got Bakugou's gift ready!"
"Really? You're going to give him?"
"Obviously! How else will he know how I feel?"
"I mean...I thought he would've known by now y'know?" Mina smirked.
"Whatever.." I muttered and we both walked to class. 

We got to class early.
Mr. Aizawa wasn't here yet. 
I saw Bakugou sitting at his desk.
He sits behind Midoriya.
Midoriya is a nice boy. We talked a little bit but not that much.
"Uhh Hey Bakugou!"
"What do you want idiot?"
"Umm this-this is for you...I-I made this my-myself..." I said lowly and gave it to him.
Before he could take it someone took it from my hands.
"OOh~ Is Marinette giving Bakugou a valentine's card?" Jeremy teased.
"Give it back!" I tried getting it but he moved.
"Give it back you jerk!" Mina yelled from her desk. She stood up and slapped her hands on her desk.
"Jeremy you should give it back to Marinette. It isn't yours." Midoriya tried reasoning. 
"Nah~ Huh?" He broke the chocolate box.
"Oh! Chocolates!" he threw it at me making me groan and try reaching for the card.
"Now...let's read the card.
Mina and I tried reaching for my card.
"You are the boy I never believed could exist." He started reading out loud to the whole class. 
"Give it back jerk!" I almost got him but tripped over someone's bag.
"I met you. I liked you. I love you. I'm keeping you! Oh, Bakugou! She's claiming you!"
"Give it back Jeremy!"
"OOh! There's more on the inside!"
"Dear Bakugou."
"Please, Jeremy!" I tried grabbing him but I fell over a desk.
"The very first day I met you, the day you saved me in Middle School, was the first day I realized I loved you. I know you're rude, grumpy, and mean but deep down in your heart, you have a soft spot." 
"Jeremy give it back to her!" Midoriya stood up and tried grabbing him.
"You're kind and sweet to animals. You're smart and an amazing cook. You're handsome. Your eyes are an amazing red. OOHHH~" He made kissy faces.
 "I love you so much. I always think of you. I just want you to be happy. I just want to see you smile and laugh. And I hope I can be that person to make you happy.
"........" Everyone was quiet.
I went up to him and pushed him against the board.
"How could you!?"
"What? It was funny~"
"You have no right to make fun of my feelings!" I yelled. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Bakugou!" Bakugou came and took the card from Jeremy.
"So...Bakugou? What's your answer? Accept? Or reject?"
I stared at Bakugou.

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