Part 1: The Portal

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                                                                                  {3rd POV}

It was the beginning of summer when Denki decided to go for a nice calm walk. The sun was shining brightly without a cloud in sight. The plants and animals were lively basking in the summer sun doing their own things. Denki was going on a nature walk through a small forest. He wasn't the only one on this path. There were people riding bikes, some were jogging, others were walking with other people. Denki was wearing a simple yellow short-sleeve shirt with some light blue shorts along with a black jacket with white lighting bolts tied around his waist. With his hands in his pockets, he closed his eyes while walking, listening to the wind through the leaves, the animals communicating, and the sound of footsteps of other people along with his own like it was a melody.

This continued for a while. Denki was enjoying the peacefulness until he noticed something. He took his hands out of his pockets and started listening to his surroundings. The footsteps stopped. He could only hear his own. Denki stopped walking and opened his eyes. He was still in the forest but something was a bit off. There was nobody here, only Denki.

"Did I wander off the path?" Denki questioned, still wondering where he was. Denki didn't know what way he came from and started wandering in a random direction hoping to find his way out. He soon realized something and reached into his pockets hoping to grab his phone to look at a map.

"You're kidding me! I left my phone in my dorm room!" Denki said, clear frustration in his voice and on his face. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and continued walking. He had only been wandering for a few minutes but that was enough for him to start getting worried. He soon saw light ahead. His eyes widening as he began to run towards the light thinking it was an exit. How he was wrong.

The light was actually coming from something that seemed like a portal. When Denki noticed this, he stopped in his tracks. "The hell?! What is this? Did a villain cause this!" Denki shouted as he got in a pession ready for an attack to come. But nothing came. He lowered his guard and began to think about the portal looking thing. Then something happened.

Wind was being formed and was heading into the portal. With the pressure quickly rising, Denki grabbed onto the nearest tree trying to prevent from going into the portal. He soon lost his grip on the tree and flew into the portal as it was pulling him in. Denki screamed aloud before disappearing into the portal.

Once Denki was fully through, the portal closed, preventing Denki from going back. Everything was quiet. It was as if nothing happened.

------------------------------------------   Part 1 done :D!  I know, It's bad.

{DISCONTINUED} Pokemon or Human? (Denki Kaminari meets the Pokemon world)Where stories live. Discover now