Part 5: New Friends

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{3rd POV}

Ash and the others had left the forest and decided to find a place to eat. They had found a ramen shop and decided to eat there. The professors were looking over all of the data they collected while Goh and Ash were talking about the new pokemon. They had told Professor Chryas that they were going to get something to eat. Turns out that they were searching the forest for around an hour and didn't even realize it until they checked the time. After they all had finished eating, the professors had decided to head back to the lab to get better information about the new pokemon. Ash and Goh decided to explore the area and maybe go shopping at some of the local shops. Recent days have been very peaceful. Ash and Goh had been wandering around until they saw a familiar face.

{Denki POV}

I had been wandering around for around an hour and yet I ended up where I started, in the city. I wonder if my friends have noticed my absence. Nah, probably not, well not yet at least. I've only been 'missing' for about 2 hours. They're probably still shopping at some mall or doing something else fun and exciting. I sighed as I pulled out whatever was in my jacket pocket. A pretty big amount of yen was in my jacket pocket. It was a 'small gift' from Momo before we went off for summer. Everyone got the same amount, even Aizawa got some from Momo. I decided to get a simple strawberry smoothie from a small shop. I continued walking, enjoying my smoothie.

"Hey Kaminari! Over here!!" I turned my head to see the same two boys that I had met earlier. Ash and Goh was it? Yeah that was it. I walked over to them at my normal walking pace. I stopped when I reached them and gave them a soft smile.

"Hey guys. Funny running into you again." I said, still smiling at the two younger boys. "Did you guys find what you were looking for?" I questioned them remembering when we had first encountered each other. "No, not yet at least." Said Goh with slight sadness in his voice.

"That sucks, I hope you find whatever you're looking for." I responded to the two boys who were slightly looking down, seeming a bit disappointed. "C'mon guys, cheer up! I'm sure you'll be able to find whatever you're looking for if you don't give up. It takes time but you'll definitely succeed if you keep trying!" I said, trying to cheer them up. Ash and Goh looked up at me with happy expressions. "You're right! We can't give up yet!" Ash said with pure excitement. "Yeah!" Said Pikachu. I smiled at them, glad that they're not giving up, even if I don't know what they're trying to do.

"How about we got back to the professors." Goh said and Ash nodded. "Hey kaminari?" Said goh, "Would you like to come with us?" I was a bit shocked but I agreed and I started following them. We had arrived in a few short minutes. I had finished my smoothie and threw the cup away on the way there. The boys had been telling me about the pokemon they had caught and how they were research fellows for professor Cerise. I hadn't mentioned anything about U.A. or about quirks, noticing that no one seemed to have any. There weren't any Pro-Heros which made me a little uneasy. There was a huge building and a glass dome at the lab. We had walked in and the two boys had properly introduced me to the professors claiming that I was their new friend. Which I don't mind, they all seem nice.

"How about you guys go check up on the pokemon. We'll be right behind you guys." Said the only female professor. The younger boys had huge grins on their faces and dragged me to the glass dome and I was amazed. I stared, wide eyed as my gaze met the inside of the glass dome. It was filled with nature and many pokemon seemed to be roaming around, too many to count. "This is all of the Pokemon we have caught on our journeys!" Ash had explained to me. They said I could explore while they checked up on the pokemon.

I had found a good size rock and decided to sit there while I watched all of the pokemon. I relaxed for a few minutes until a pokemon walked up to me. It was around 3-4 feet tall and had white fur covering all of its body except its face. It has blue skin and red eyes with a good size horn connected to the side of its face. Blue claws and tail. It stared at me as I stared back until it said something.

"Who are you?" It said in a demanding tone. "My name is Denki Kaminari. How 'bout you?" I responded calmly. Its eyes widened at my response before calming down again. "Call me Absol but tell me. How do you understand what I am saying?" It had said, narrowing its eyes at me. "Well nice to meet you Absol! I don't have a clue on why I can understand you." I said, giving Absol a smile. Absol had relaxed a bit and walked over to me and sat next to the rock I was sitting on. I gave Absol a confused look as I was going to say something but was cut off.

"I am unsure on how you can understand me but I'm interested in you." Absol had said. It had begun asking me questions, some I didn't know how to answer while others I could answer easily. Other random pokemon had joined the conversation as I answered their questions. There were around ten pokemon surrounding me, all talking to me. It was surprisingly fun hearing their stories. I was having fun until one of the pokemon had mentioned that we were being watched.

------------------------------------------ Part 5 done!

Sorry for the delay but its out! School kept getting in the way and I didn't have any Ideas but I hope you enjoyed this!!

{DISCONTINUED} Pokemon or Human? (Denki Kaminari meets the Pokemon world)Where stories live. Discover now