Part 2: A new World

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{3rd POV}

Unable to open his eyes nor move his body, he could tell that he was laying down on what seemed to be grass. While in this state, Denki decided to try to recall what just happened. His memory was a bit fuzzy. He assumed he hit his head on something when coming out of the portal. Being unable to move his body nor open his eyes in any way, he finally gained control of his body after around 10 minutes. His body was sore and felt weak. Opening his eyes, Denki could see trees that reached the starry night sky. He seemed to be in a forest. But it was night time! How long had he been out? Denki went into a sitting position and immediately felt his head hurt causing his vision to be blurry. After a few seconds he could finally look around to see his surroundings better. Yup, definitely a forest. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and took focus on something more important.

"Where the hell am I?! Where did that portal take me?" Denki questioned himself trying to think of possibilities of answers to his questions. Part of Denki was actually excited about this. He'll get to explore a place he has never been too and possibly have fun! While trying to find a way home of course.

Suddenly Denki heard something from behind him like the rustling of bushes. Denki turned around to see a tiny creature hop out of the bushes. It was small enough for Denki to easily hold with his hands. It was yellow with black around the edges of its ears and some black around its neck like a pokey necklace. It also had round pink cheeks below its cute black eyes. The tail was all black and it kinda looked like a tiny bolt of lightning. The creature stared into Denki's yellow eyes as Denki stared right back at it wondering what it was.

Finally after some time Denki finally spoke up. "What are you?" He said curiously. The creature continued to stare at Denki until it finally responded. "I'm Pichu though I doubt you understand me." Denki Jumped with shock and confusion as the creature, or Pichu, spoke in a childish voice. 'It talks!!' Denki thought to himself before calming himself down.

"I was not expecting you to actually say something but what exactly are you?"

"Hah?! You understand me? But humans can't understand Pokemon!"

"What in the world is a Pokemon?" Denki said, wondering what the hell is happening.

Pichu calmed down and started to explain the best way they could to this human still in shock on how this human could understand them. They explained about pokemon and trainers while Denki sat there staring at the pichu with interest. They finished in a few short minutes. The sun had started to rise showing the beautiful sky. "Tell me human-"

"My name is Denki Kaminari." Denki Said not really enjoying being called just 'human'.

"Alright, Denki Kaminari," Said Pichu with slight anger in their voice, "How can you understand me and not know anything about Pokemon and trainers?! Everyone here knows about that stuff, it's common knowledge."

Denki stared at them before answering, "Long story short, I was lost in a forest, found a portal thingy and it sucked me like a tornado."

Pichu didn't believe this but then at the same time, they couldn't believe that they were talking to a human who could understand them. That reason alone made Pichu believe in Denki's story. Pichu stared at Denki before remembering that they needed to go back to whatever they were doing before they ran into the human. Pichu started to walk away before they were stopped by Denki. "Before you can tell where the nearest town is, I'm hungry."

Pichu sighed then pointed in the direction to the nearest town. Denki quickly thanked Pichu before running off in that direction. Pichu just stared at the human heading to the town before heading back to whatever they were doing but Pichu still couldn't believe what just happened.

Denki Eventually reached the town. It wasn't a town, it was a city! It was huge! There were buildings left and right with lots of people with what Pichu called Pokemon. Denki explored the city finding a place to eat. He used some of the money he had with him before he went through the portal in case he got hungry on his walk. Denki was shocked about everything but it doesn't seem to be that bad.

----------------------------------Part 2 done!  Hoped you enjoyed this!  The talking scenes aren't that good but I'll work on it.  There are going to be more talking Pokemon scenes so its going to happen a lot.  Anyways Hoped you enjoyed this!

{DISCONTINUED} Pokemon or Human? (Denki Kaminari meets the Pokemon world)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang