Part 4: Meeting

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 {3rd POV}

Denki had finished his food that he bought leaving him with a full stomach. After thanking the person who made the food, Denki needed to find a way back to his world. He also needed to learn more about this world in case the worst case scenario were to happen. Being stuck here for the rest of his life. He couldn't imagine living without his best friends. This world felt way too odd for Denki and he doubted he would ever get used to it. The strange creatures, which were called Pokemon, made Denki feel a little uneasy. Especially because for some reason, he was the only one who could understand what they were saying. Denki shrugged it off and went back to thinking on ways to get home to his friends.

Denki was looking at everything as he walked past it. There were some really cool looking things as he passed by but nothing that could help him get home. Realizing that he had stopped in his tracks looking at the things in a store close to him, he sighed and continued walking. He continued to think to the point he was lost in thought while walking. Denki was completely unaware of what was happening outside of his mind.

"Ash! Watch out!" Denki heard a voice causing him to leave his mind and look up to where the voice came from.


The moment Denki looked up towards the voice, someone else ran into him causing him to fall backwards onto the ground. He opened his eyes feeling very little pain to see a black haired boy with a red cap on the ground in front of him. There also seemed to be a Pokemon next to him that looked very similar to the Pichu he met in the forest. Another boy came running to him and the other boy. This boy also had black hair but this one was wearing a dark gray hoodie with red markings.

"I'm sorry for my friend! Are you okay?" The second boy said to me while his friend was still on the ground. "Yeah I'm fine. I've been through worst but is your friend okay?" Denki said, pointing to the other boy still on the ground.

"I'm alright. Sorry about that. I wasn't looking where I was going." Said the boy that was on the ground with a sorry look on his face. "It's alright, I don't mind." Denki responded as he stood up on his feet. Denki was taller than the two boys. Two more people had run up to the group. One had blonde-yellow short hair some-what like Denki and they wore red glasses. The other one had a some-what red-brown hair with some gray streaks and wore brown glasses. They both wore white lab coats and were obviously adults.

"What happened here?" The red-brown haired one said to the group. "Ash bumped into someone by accident." Responded the boy with the dark gray hoodie. The one Denki assumed was Ash, nodded in agreement along with the yellow mouse-like pokemon that had hopped onto his shoulder. The P\pokemon kinda looked like Pichu. Denki assumed it was an evolved form as Pichu had told him in the forest about pokemon evolving or something like that. "I am sorry for him. We are all just really excited to go into the forest nearby." Said the red-brown hair adult looking at me. "My name is professor Cerise, this is my co-worker professor Ren, the one that bumped into you is Ash, the other one is Goh, and the pokemon is pikachu." He continued, pointing to each one as he said their names.

"My name is Denki Kaminari and it's okay. It happens all of the time and it was an accident." Denki said scratching the back of his head and a small smile on his face. "Well we better get going. Maybe we'll run into each other again." Said Ren. Denki nodded and they all went their separate ways.

{DISCONTINUED} Pokemon or Human? (Denki Kaminari meets the Pokemon world)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang