Chapter Six

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a/n: hi folks! i'm back! so sorry there's been like a week between the last few chapters, work has been insane but i FINALLY have an actual weekend this week! so! hope you enjoy this chapter, and i'm glad y'all are enjoying the fic so far!

"One of our suppliers has moved a little closer to home so we'll be able to do work more directly with them, James I want you to be in charge of that piece," George spoke directly to Bucky, who nodded in agreement. The weekly meeting of Barnes Inc. felt a little different this week after seeing you for the first time in so long. Seeing you at The Underworld, running into you on a date with Liam Stinson while at dinner with his parents, they all put Bucky in a downright weird mood. He'd been paying less attention at this meeting than he should've been but he couldn't help it. Having you back in New York, and playing into the plans your parents had laid out for you, had Bucky's mind reeling and his stomach rolling.

There had been many times over the last ten years that Bucky had regretted going about the issue with your parents the way he did. He couldn't even count the number of times he'd kicked himself for not finding some way to talk to you before just disappearing. He could've told his dad, but then he worried that his dad would do something to provoke the Pierce's and his family would get hurt, and then you'd get hurt. He could've tried to sneak a message to you to see how involved you were in your parents plans, to see if you had been planted near him to spill secrets and plans back to Pierce. But he didn't. Instead, nineteen year old Bucky held onto the hurt he was feeling and let it fester deep inside, only opening up slightly to tell Steve the truth. Twenty-nine year old Bucky knew that he'd made a quick decision in a tough spot, and that it was a decision that would affect his life forever.

"Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie, still kissing the girls and making them cry?" A voice rang from the doorway of the conference room after a brief knock. A voice that Bucky hadn't heard in years.

"Anthony, it's nice to have you back, my friend, but you know there's only ever been one girl for me," George spoke as he stood to shake hands with Tony Stark, a smirk growing on the latter's face as he took in the room.

The Starks had been allied with the Barnes family for decades. After Howard had retired, he'd made Tony his successor and the connection with the Barnes family had been even tighter after they worked out a way for Tony to be their weapons supplier. Bucky had only found out at dinner with his parents that Tony had been working on moving back to the city, and that he was bringing you with him. Apparently George had been keeping up with your movements in the last ten years, and only part of the reason he'd asked Tony to move business back to New York was to have his supplier closer, the other was to bring you home. But George would never tell that to Bucky.

"Heard you've got a big shot corporate lawyer working for you now," George joked, drawing Bucky's attention back to the conversation at hand.

"Oh the best, you know it's so nice to be back, but I'm not quite so sure she's that happy to be back," Tony was looking directly at Bucky as he spoke, making it obvious that he was aware of the reason why you left New York for California originally. Bucky held back the cringe that was threatening to make itself known on his face as Tony continued.

"But anyway, glad to be back. And in true Stark Industries fashion, there'll be a welcome back gala this weekend, George old buddy old pal, you and the wonderful Winnie are both invited. I figured we should probably re-clarify to some members of the public...that we are in fact friends and occasional...coworkers." Tony was speaking in code, something he did when he wasn't sure how involved every person in the room was with the family.

"That's a great idea, Anthony, but sadly Winnie and I will have to pass, it's our anniversary this weekend. Thirty-five years," George spoke fondly, "but, since James will be working closely with you as a liaison between Barnes Inc. and Stark Industries, maybe he could go in our place?"

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