Chapter Fifteen

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a/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL! I figured we'd start 2023 off with a lovely little chapter of ETLT! I am so so sorry it has been so long since my last update but life has been crazy between work, my birthday, the holidays and trying to figure out where my family is living in the next month (which we got figured out)! But craziness aside, thank you all for sticking with me! I hope this chapter tides you over for a bit!

chapter warnings: a lil tension, angst, language, threat of violence (this is a lil graphic so if you wanna skip it, skip the italicized and bold letter that starts with "Barnes")



Bucky Barnes could not get his brain to calm down. Alarm bells were going off and he was barely able to pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth as you talked to his parents. You'd called him Jamie. For the first time in a decade. And while a small part of his brain was telling him that was a good thing and that it meant more than you'd let on, judging by the slight look of bewilderment in your eyes after speaking it, a small part of his brain couldn't help but remind him that he 100% was not worthy of that nickname. At least not yet. It wasn't long into that self-reflection that he managed to hear a throat clear from across the room that pulled him out of his thoughts. At some point you'd all taken seats and everyone was staring at him expectantly, Winnie and George's faces equally concerned while you pinned him with a raised brow. He'd been so caught up in the revelation of you calling him Jamie that he'd completely zoned out of the conversation.

Way to go idiot, you definitely don't deserve to be called Jamie. Look at you. You can't even pay fucking attention.

Shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts Bucky cleared his own throat and timidly spoke, "sorry, I missed that, what was the question?"

You huffed out a laugh that you covered with a cough, avoiding his eyes as George raised his brow in turn and began to speak.

"Y/N was just telling us how she was in on the plan to tell everyone at The Underworld, and that the two of you went on knowing what you were doing and that this was how you wanted to break the news to the city. I was just asking you, if that was true?"

Bucky's eyes darted towards you and he noted the serious look in your eyes and the almost imperceptible nod of your head telling him to go with it, so he nodded his own and responded, "that's right. We wanted to make a statement and we figured, well, we figured this was the best way."

George looked at his son carefully with slightly squinted eyes as if he was trying to read Bucky's mind but he must have been somewhat pleased with the answer because he sighed heavily and leaned back in his chair rubbing his head with his hand.

"Well, the two of you made a statement that's for sure. I doubt that it will take very long before Pierce, Stinson and the L/N's find out about it and want blood."

Bucky noticed your breathing stutter and your eyes widen at the mention of your parents and he knew it was his turn to stick up for you. Bucky slid next to you on the couch and slowly slid his hand into yours, offering a light, almost testing, squeeze which you returned slowly alongside a deep exhale. Bucky knew that breath, it was your calming breath. All these years and some things never changed. Bucky turned to face you, making sure to look in your eyes as he spoke.

"I will not let them hurt you. They will never be able to hurt you again. You have my word. You have my life." He placed extra emphasis on the last word, hoping you would understand that he meant everything he was saying with every fiber of his being. While he knew his actions from ten years ago made it seem like he didn't care that wasn't the case. James Buchanan Barnes would kill for you. And he would die for you. And he needed you to know that. He watched you take in his words, your eyes widening at his meaning and your throat bobbing with a gulp. Before you could say anything to the contrary or ask him to rethink his words he shook his head and added, "I fucked up all those years ago. I've spent the last ten years without you and being a massive dick. Your safety, your wellbeing, your life is worth at least ten of mine. And I will do everything in my power to protect you. Do you understand?"

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