Chapter Eight

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All was silent, eerily so, as George's offer hung in the air of the conference room. It was you who broke it.

"I'm're saying that the only way you can prevent my arranged marriage to a sexist, potentially abusive and downright DANGEROUS to arrange ANOTHER marriage to the egotistical, ALSO DANGEROUS one who didn't have the guts to talk to me in the first place? The man who LEFT me and forced all my friends to the same!?" Your voice rose with each word, anger lacing your tone and causing Bucky to wince as if you'd physically burned him. Your words had though, you were completely right and Bucky knew it. Especially now that you'd been forced to prove that you weren't involved in your parents' scheme whatsoever. A part of him knew now that an apology now would be a little too late.

That revelation alone had almost caused Bucky physical harm. Not just from his friends and allies, their threats were good and Bucky knew to maybe wear an athletic cup the next couple times he saw Natasha, but the simmering anger and disappointment from you and his father. To try and get some of the heat off his father, Bucky spoke up, but he didn't get the opportunity to say much.


"NO. YOU DON'T GET TO 'Y/N' ME, JAMES! YOU DON'T GET TO TRY AND CALM ME DOWN. YOU LOST THAT RIGHT WHEN YOU DECIDED TO LEAVE ME WITH MY APPARENTLY MANIPULATIVE PARENTS A DECADE AGO AND CUT ME OFF FROM ANY ONE THAT COULD HELP ME," you retaliated, your face growing more and more angry every second, the steam rolling off you making Bucky lean a little further away.

"Y/N, I know you're upset bu-" Bucky tried again but was interrupted once more.

"James, enough. We'll talk about this later. Y/N, sweetheart. You know the rules. You know that the most protection I can offer you is by you becoming a part of the family. And I don't know if you want to become a part," George spoke, emphasizing part because he knew you'd pick up on what he was saying, you'd have to be initiated and would then be further drawn into the war that was about to play out, "and since James is the Underboss, and heir to the family, he'd be the best person for you to marry. If this were just a regular person your parents were trying to marry you to, we'd be able to give you protection by having you marry someone else. But this is Pierce. We cannot offer you that protection without this marital connection."

Your nostrils flared, you were so visibly angry that Bucky was certain you could singlehandedly blow the building to bits. But after hearing George's words, you took a breath and closed your eyes, your mouth moving for just a moment, inaudible words falling from your lips. When your eyes opened again Bucky saw the tears that were growing in them and threatening to fall yet again. When you spoke again, your voice wobbled.

"I need some time, Mr. Barnes. I need some time to think, please. Give me some time to think."

"As much time as you need. But please be aware, your parents, Pierce and the Stinsons likely have plans for you to marry sooner rather than later. The longer we wait, the longer you risk the chance of being taken in by Liam and his father's men."

You nodded solemnly, leaning into Tony's arms yet again as the words Bucky's father just spoke washed over you. You made eye contact with Bucky yet again and this time your eyes were showing not just anger, but intense sadness for the first time. The look he saw in your eyes was one Bucky had imagined a million times over, it was the look he imagined on you when you realized that he had left you. And fucking hell it hurt.

"I understand, Mr. Barnes. Thank you for the option," your voice was almost robotic as you spoke to his father and as you turned around to leave George spoke yet again.

"Y/N, I recommend not going back to your apartment, at least until you make up your mind. Your apartment is probably under intense observation, and likely has been since you moved back since Tony told us your parents picked it out. We can send a guy to pick some stuff up for you, or you can send Happy to do so. If this were happening ten years ago I'd recommend you staying with my family since you'd probably be safest there," George spoke, eyeing Bucky with a glare at the last part before continuing, "but under the circumstances you'd probably feel more comfortable and safe with Anthony and Pepper. If that is the case, I understand. But when you're ready and have made your decision, you must come to me. Even if you decline."

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