when Gaeul is unkind to you as a prank to see Yujin's reaction (requested)

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"Hi, sweet girl," Yujin smiled as you walked into the living room, where the girls were all sitting around.

You were wearing a pair of sweats and one of Yujin's hoodies, trying to stay warm on this chilly afternoon.

You haven't been feeling all that well so you've been laying up in bed for most of the day while Yujin occupies herself by spending time with the girls so you can rest peacefully.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she pulled you onto her lap.

"I'm okay. Tired." You said.

"You should go back up to bed then," Gaeul muttered to herself but the girls heard her and so did you.

"What?" You asked ad you sleepily rubbed your eyes.

Gaeul just shook her head and continued to watch the movie that was playing.

But she could still hear you and she was getting annoyed.

"Gaeul? Are you okay?" You asked as you noticed that she was clenching her jaw and rolling her eyes.

"Just peachy." She sarcastically said. "I'm trying to watch this movie. It was so much easier to do when you weren't in here."

"Gaeul!" Rei gasped as everyone stared at Gaeul in surprise.

"What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking, right? It's always much quieter when she's not around."

"Stop it!" Wonyoung said as she shook her head in disappointment at her friend.

"I can't be the only one who feels that way. She's annoying! The sound of her voice drives me crazy and she never shuts up. She's just such a pain in the-"

"Gaeul!" Yujin yelled. "Don't finish that sentence!"

Gaeul went quiet as she folded her arms over her chest.

"That is so disrespectful and so uncalled for. What is wrong with you today?" Yujin asked as she brushed her fingers along your arms in comfort.

"Nothing. I'm just annoyed by your girlfriend. I don't know how you can stand being around her all the time."

"I love her, that's how," Yujin said and watched as Gaeul rolled her eyes. "If you're going to act like a child, then just go!"


"No, Y/N, don't try and defend her for any reason at all," Yujin said as you attempted to intervene. "She has no right to speak to you that way! I won't allow it."

Gaeul sighed as she looked at you.

"Don't look at her, look at me!" Yujin loudly said. "Something you've got to say?"

"Yes," Gaeul said as she looked at Yujin and then back at you. "We got you!"

Yujin looked so confused as Gaeul and the girls burst into laughter.


You joined in on the giggles and that only made your girl feel even more shocked by everyone's reaction.

"I was messing with you, Yujin!" Gaeul giggled. "We only wanted to see your reaction to one of us being unkind to Y/N."

"And to make it even better - your girl was in on it!" Wonyoung giggled.

"What? Is that true?" Yujin asked ad your eyes met hers when she turned her head. "You knew about this?"

"I wanted to see your reaction too." You said before kissing Yujin's cheek softly. "Of course, I was in on it. There's no way Gaeul would ever leave me in the dark and speak to me that way for seemingly no reason at all."

"I should've known," Yujin said.

Thinking about it now, it made no sense for Gaeul to act that way towards you for no reason.

Doing it like this made a lot of sense.

"So you didn't mean what you said to Y/N?" Yujin asked Gaeul, just to be sure.

"Not one word. I adore Y/N. Trust me, I'd never say anything like that to or about her and mean it. She's amazing." Gaeul grinned/

"She is." Yujin agreed.

"Are you mad?" Rei asked.

"Nah. I feel better knowing that none of it was real. But you did scare me! I thought we were going to have some serious problems because there's no way you were going to get away with talking to my girl that way."

Yujin tightened her grip on you and you chuckled at the feeling.

Gaeul got up and came over to hug you and Yujin tightly.

"Sorry again."

"It's all good," Yujin promised.

You put your head back on her shoulder as Gaeul giggled with the girls over Yujin's reaction to the situation while you just thought about how lucky you are to have someone who loves and cares for you so much.

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