you need stitches after cutting your foot on your glasses (requested)

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"Go ahead and get cozy, okay? You can wear one of my hoodies if you want to." Yujin smiled. "I'll be back in a minute."

Yujin walked into the bathroom as you sat on the edge of her bed and you decided to take her up on her offer and wear one of her hoodies.

You started to pull your shirt over your head but for some reason, you weren't thinking and you forgot to take your glasses off first.

They fell on Yujin's bedroom floor and your vision was so bad that without them, you couldn't see a thing.

You got up and started to try and look for them but, truthfully, you needed your glasses to find your glasses.

So trying to find them was next to impossible.

"Yujin, baby?" You called out.

"Yeah, darling?"

"Can you help me find my," You started to say, only to feel the glass from your glasses shatter beneath your feet.

And as it did so, you felt it cut your foot, and you were instantly met with sharp pain.

"Ow, ow!" You said and fell onto the edge of the bed.

Hearing that you were in pain made Yujin panic and she rushed out of the bathroom.

"Baby, what happened?" She asked as she hurried to you.

She noticed the blood dripping from your foot onto the floor and then saw your now broken glasses not far from there.

"Oh, my god," She said as she looked at your foot, seeing a deep and serious slice. "We need to get you to the hospital. You're going to need stitches."

"Okay but, Yujin, you're going to have to help me because I can't see anything."

She nodded and grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom to wrap it around your foot for now.

And then she helped you put one of her hoodies on and gave you a quick but comforting kiss on your forehead.

She put her shoes on and grabbed everything you'd need before she picked you up to help you out to the car.

She got into the driver's seat as you buckled your seatbelt, wincing from the pain in your foot.

She tried to get to the hospital as fast as possible because even though she knew it wasn't a life or death situation, she still wanted to get you out of pain as soon as possible.

"It's okay, baby," Yujin said as she helped you into the hospital.

"My girlfriend cut her foot and she's bleeding badly,"  Yujin told the nurse in a panic. "She's going to need stitches."

"Okay, why don't we get her back to a room." The nurse said before the doors opened.

You went back to a room and Yujin held your hand tight as the doctor began to look over your foot.

"That's a bad cut. How'd it happen?"

"I stepped on my glasses and they broke." You explained. "It hurts."

Yujin kissed your head softly and rubbed your shoulder with her hand that wasn't wrapped in yours.

"Okay, we're going to give you some numbing medicine so we can give you some stitches." He said.

"Yujin, I'm nervous." You mumbled.

"Shh, don't be nervous. It's going to be okay." She comforted.

You winced as the needle went into your skin a moment later and Yujin did her best to comfort you through it.

"It's alright, my love. I'm here." She softly spoke as she kissed your hand a few times. "I'm right here, it'll be okay."

They made sure to clean the cut well before the doctor began to give you stitches.

You didn't feel any pain, much to Yujin's relief,

It had broken her heart to see you in so much pain until you got the numbing medicine and now, to see you feeling relieved made her feel more at ease.

You put your head on her shoulder and she continued to hold your hand as the doctor continued to stitch up your foot.

"Are you doing good?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Okay, good. All done with the stitches. I'm going to put some gauze over it now."

He gently placed some gauze over the stitches and Yujin kissed your head.

"That wasn't so bad, was it, baby?" Yujin asked with a proud smile.

"I guess not. My foot feels heavy though."

She giggled before nodding, feeling proud of you.

"Take some pain medicine if you need it and be sure to get some more glasses soon." The doctor chuckled. "And I'll see you back here in a few weeks to get the stitches out."

"Thank you so much," Yujin said, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Ready to go back to my place, baby? I have to clean that glass up still and you are going to be taking it easy."

You playfully rolled your eyes, knowing she was already getting pretty protective of you.

"You're such a klutz." She teased. "Cutting your foot on your own glasses."

You pouted until she poked your sides to make you laugh.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you."

"Thank you, baby." You said as you leaned your cheek on her shoulder again, grateful that you had her by your side through everything tonight.

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