you're the one

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Prompt: Nancy has been in love with her best friend and roommate for years. She thinks she has no chance, considering Robin is dating Vickie.

Nancy knows it's hopeless. Every time Robin sits next to her on the couch when they're watching a movie, her heart flutters. And when she leans into her, the scent from her shampoo and perfume is enough to distract her from whatever is on the screen. And when Robin puts an arm around her, Nancy pretends. Nancy pretends, for just a moment, that they are together. And when she closes her eyes, she almost believes it is real. They lean into each other, pressed against each other, with Nancy curled up next to Robin and her feet tucked beneath her. When Nancy glances up at Robin, there is a small part of her that hopes. She hopes that Robin feels the same, that she would return her loving gaze, but she is always staring at the screen, a small smile on her face.

Nancy settled for the friendship between them, knowing that they will never be able to be anything more. At that moment, she treasures the warmth that emanates from Robin, cherishing the contact, silently begging that she would never leave her side.

But they eventually do. Whether it's Robin or Nancy who moves away first. But it is always involuntary. Someone has to go to the bathroom, or someone is hungry. But they know they will always come back to each other. Eventually.

They had met three years ago, with Robin looking for a roommate, and Nancy being the only one who answered her request. She couldn't remember if she fell in love with her then, or if it was a recent development. But she knew she couldn't resist Robin's bubbly personality, the way her eyes light up when she talks about her art and the soft, gentle smile she has when she remembers her dad. And each little thing she noticed about Robin made her fall in love just a little bit more each time.

She tried not to fall for Robin. And how hard she tried. She tried spending time away at her parent's, hoping that a few days away at a time would make her feelings go away, but Nancy always succumbed and came back to their apartment earlier than she had originally decided.

She tried dating. And she came close. There was a boy, Jonathan. He was everything that Nancy could consider perfect. He was handsome, kind, caring, but it wasn't enough. No matter how hard Nancy tried to fall in love with Jonathan, she realised she couldn't. She loved Jonathan, but there was no spark between them, she wasn't in love with him.. And Nancy knew why. Every time she returned to their apartment, her heart leapt at the sight of Robin, usually leaning against their kitchen counter with her short hair all over the place. It was a lovely sight, to see Robin carefree in their home.

Nancy broke up with Jonathan after five months of dating, leaving them on amicable terms.

Every time Robin leaves their apartment to go out with Vickie, she knows it's impossible. She knows there is no chance of her being together with Robin, but still, she let herself fall into the abyss of a love that will never be returned. Usually, when Robin returns from her dates with Vickie, Nancy finds that she is happier, brighter, lighter, content with her life. She doesn't share it with Nancy though, and for that Nancy is glad. She doesn't know if she would be able to handle the crushing weight of Robin gushing about someone else. Though, she does like to see Robin happy. She would rather see Robin happy than to see her without Vickie but crushed. And that was why she never interfered in their relationship. Nancy couldn't risk destroying their friendship, too worried that Robin's life would shatter before her.

However, this time when Robin returned (earlier than expected), she wasn't her jubilant self that she usually was after a date with Vickie.

a moment together - ronanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ