love hits hard

172 2 19

Prompt: Four times Robin gets hit on the head (+1 time she doesn't) during her last semester of high school, and every single time, Nancy Wheeler is somehow involved.
There's angst and fluff but it's a happy ending also this is set modern day.

The first time Robin got hit in the head during senior spring, it was her fault.


The field at the edge of Hawkins High’s central courtyard had been the territory of its athletes for as long as anyone could remember, especially during lunch. And given that the soccer team were really the only players who were actually good, they practically owned the area. So it shouldn’t have been a surprise that her decision to cut across the space to get from the art wing to the cafeteria put her in the crosshairs of a stray soccer ball.

Except she didn’t really expect to get nailed right on the side of the head so hard that it knocked her glasses off.

Robin groaned and bent down to find them, hoping they weren’t broken. That was the last thing she needed right now. Murray, the art department’s new instructor, hadn’t had the best reaction to her proposal for her senior capstone project, and though his criticism had been kind, she was still wounded that he didn’t like it. This project is supposed to be about you, Robin, was all he had said, in addition to asking for a new proposal. So, sure, making a mixed media series about the various genocides happening in the world right now wasn’t directly about her, but it was something she was passionate in raising awareness for. Her art had always been about that—international conflict, global injustice, and the like—and none of her other teachers had had an issue with it before.

Apparently Murray was different. He took the guidelines for the senior capstone much more literally, much to Robin’s dismay. She had to go along with it, though, because Joyce, the department head, had made it clear that switching the projects advisors wasn’t possible.

So, really, after finding out her holiday break of planning had been wasted and she needed to start on her proposal from scratch, breaking her glasses was the last thing she needed.

Just as her hands grazed over the still-intact frames (thank god), pounding steps approached from her right.

“Hey, so sorry about that,” someone, a female, said breathlessly. “You okay?”

“No.” The word popped out before Robin could stop it, and when she could finally see again, she noticed it was Nancy Wheeler, who was staring back at her, surprised and just a little bit affronted. Sighing, because she did not have the energy to deal with their star soccer player’s ego today, she shrugged. “But I’ll live.”

“Can I make it up to you?” the shorter girl offered, running a hand through her hair.

“I’m fine.”

Nancy smiled, trying to be reassuring, but there was a cockiness in her eyes that had Robin’s internal bullshit meter pinging. “Let me take you out to dinner.”

“No,” Robin snapped, because Nancy Wheeler did not take girls like her out to dinner. Nancy dated field hockey girls, or hooked up with girls on the dance team. In fact, she didn’t even usually notice anyone who wasn’t an athlete. Nothing good would come of it, and the arrogant set of Nancy's shoulders made Robin bristle in annoyance. “Hell no.”

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