truths the ocean whispered

170 2 23

Prompt: The port city of Trost is a nesting ground for pirates, thieves and scoundrels who call the ocean their home. In the midst of all of this, Nancy Wheeler attempts to seek out the mysterious and deadly Red Captain in the hopes that they will help her. However, Nancy, of all people, should know that nothing comes without a price.

When Nancy-wet with rain that had seeped into every crevice and fold of her clothing-stepped into the pub, her one good hand strayed immediately to the sabre hanging at her waist while her eyes instinctively scanned the patrons. The noisiest were a rough-looking group of men in the corner, slapping the table with weathered palms while frothy ale bubbled over the sides of their mugs, spilling onto the floor below. Others dined in groups of two to three, talking to one another with ducked heads, flashes of gold from open mouths could be seen from where Nancy stood at the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, she strode in with purpose, never losing her composure. "Stand tall, Nancy," her mother had told her once, "and all the world will fear you." As she reached the center of the bustling pub, she pulled a roll piece of parchment from one of the deep pockets within her jacket and held it out, letting the rain-splattered sheaf unfurl.

"I'm looking for the Red Captain."

The entire bar was plunged into silence. Eyes, some bloodshot and some unfocused from liquor, all turned to her. Even though each face was uniquely different, they all shared one common expression. It was fear.

"Why would ye be seeking out the most fearsome pirate to roam these waters?" One man crowed from his seat up on the bar. Younger and far more handsome than the men surrounding him, he raised his mug to Nancy and took a long drought, his eyes never leaving hers.

"That is my business and mine alone," she said. The parchment in her hand depicted an unknown figure with a bounty of twenty thousand gold pieces on their head. "Do you know where I can find them, or not?"

The man smirked and it was only then that Nancy noticed the start of a jagged scar that she could tell spanned the length of his torso. "You're looking at them. What can I do for a pretty girl like you?"

"I have a request for you," she told the man, rolling the parchment back up. She approached the man, boots squelching on the wooden floor with every step.

"A request? I don't do requests."

"I'll reward you." Her eyes narrowed. "Handsomely."

The man cocked his head, as if seeing Nancy for the first time. "Well then. How about we take this somewhere else? I'm not too keen on eavesdroppers." His gaze swept the bar and everyone immediately turned their attention back to their drinks.

She nodded and followed the man out. As she departed, she noticed a hooded figure at a table tucked into the corner of the room stand up and pull the cowl of their hood lower.

"What is this request of yours and how can the Red Captain be of assistance?" The man asked, once they were out of earshot from the pub. He leaned on a stone wall beside her, one arm outstretched. The look in his eyes changed and even from her vantage, Nancy could see the glint of greed.

"Tell me where the real Red Captain is," replied Nancy.

The man flinched, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "Watch your mouth, girl."

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