project ronance

187 6 29

Prompt: Nancy and Robin get paired off to complete an assignment, feelings ensue.

"Nancy Wheeler with let's see..."

Nancy's eyes shoot up and she gazes at her teacher with a hopeful expression wishing that he would pair her up with someone that may actually get some work done instead of an idiot who was just taking Latin because they thought it would be easy. She was not going to do all the work on this project.

"Nancy with Robin."

Nancy's eyes widen and a groan falls out of her lips as she hears just who exactly was going to be her partner for this project. Her eyes dart over to the ruly senior girl who was sitting just a few rows away. She was already staring at Nancy eyes twinkling and a smirk playing on her lips.

Nancy sends her a glare before protesting, "Sir I don't think I can work well with her. Could you please assign me someone else?"

"Aw and here I thought we were best friends sweetheart."

"Don't call me that Buckley!"

The rest of the class just watches eyes rolling simultaneously. They were all used to Robin and Nancy fighting over every single thing. The two were known to debate every single thing that came their way since they had such differing opinions. What made this relationship all the more interesting was that Nancy was close friends with Robin's younger sister meaning they were always around one another which of course had led to many screaming matches in the hallway and a few visits to the principal's office.

"Sorry, Nancy but you're going to have to deal with her. I think you two are the best suited partners for one another."

"Really, Mr. Bauman? You really think that?"

The question comes from another student in the class. El, another one of Nancy's good friends but she was also on Robin's good side. Mr. Bauman just smirks before nodding arms crossed across his chest as he leans back against his desk.

Nancy scowls at her Latin teacher trying her best not to cross the room and strangle the man. She normally liked Murray Bauman. He wasn't a bad teacher and was actually pretty nice except for when he was being an asshole by putting her and Robin together as partners.

"Well I guess it seems like you're stuck with me sweetheart. How about we try not kill one another for the next few weeks?"

"How about you shove a stick up your ass?"

"Nancy, language please!"

Murray's tone was harsh and scolding but it didn't hold as he was holding back a smile. The next few weeks sure were going to be fun. He may have to thank Max for pleading with him to pair her friend and sister up. Things were going to be a lot more interesting from now on. That's for sure.

Nancy just grumbles not even seeming to say an apology. Robin just smirks though, not affected by her taunting at all. Robin was definitely going to have the time of her life teasing and annoying Nancy. She was most definitely looking forward to the next few weeks she was going to have to spend with Nancy.


"Max, I have to be partners with your asshole of a sister for a latin project!"

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