breakfast club

159 4 22

Prompt: the breakfast club basically but with ronance.

There’s a haze around them, the entire chemistry section they’re hiding in going gauzy and soft. Laughter, coming from somewhere far off in another part of the library, breaks through and is immediately followed by giggly shushing. It’s a poor attempt at trying to keep quiet so that their warden doesn’t come in and break up the festivities, but it’s an attempt so maybe the others aren’t that far gone.

The sound is nowhere near Robin and Nancy though, who are sitting side by side on the ugly, cheap carpet that all schools seem to have a habit of putting down everywhere there isn't equally ugly and cheap tile. Robin looks over at her, taking in her features up close. She can’t really help the small smile that breaks over her face as she looks at her. Nancy Wheeler is so different from what Robin had expected to get stuck with when she’d first walked in, and it’s still taking Robin by surprise even after all that she’s learned about her in the day they've spent there.

Nancy had her head held high and a deep grimace on her face when Robin first saw her this morning, something Robin had been sure was a result of not only having to spend an entire Saturday at the school library, but also because of the people she would have to spend it with. Spoiled, rich princess.

She seemed to have a distaste for Robin in particular, as she had given her the once over from the front of the room, taking in her leather jacket that hung from the side of her chair and the scowl that seemed to be a permanent fixture on Robin's face whenever she wasn’t with her best friend or one of the kids. It hadn’t been a reaction she’d be unfamiliar with, but it still pissed Robin off none the less, though it wasn’t like she had been expecting anything less from someone like her. A priss through and through.

Oh, how wrong Robin was.                                                

Oddly enough, being forced into spending eight hours with virtual strangers in a confined space makes people overly chatty, all of them just dying to open up and share.

Or maybe it’s just all the pot.

After a morning filled with arguing, yelling, and more than a few near fights, Eddie Munson had demanded a cease fire. And when that didn’t work, had whipped out a bag of pot and said that if they were stuck with each other, they should at least be stoned.

What followed was one of the most bizarre afternoons Robin's has ever had.

(She thinks there might have been a dance montage at some point, but she doesn’t really remember... or she's just successfully blocking it out.)

Somehow, she and Nancy had split off from the merry band of juvenile delinquents and found themselves here, just talking about anything and everything and nothing at all. It’s been nice.

Like Robin said, weird day.

“…you really want to know what I did to get in here?” she asks after a long moment of companionable silence, blowing out sweet smoke as she offers her the mostly spent joint.

Nancy opens her eyes and lifts her head from the bookcase, her movements lazy and sluggish as she takes it from Robin. She’s stunning, with her big blue eyes and soft curly brown hair. She’s like a princess out of the fairytales Robin used to read when she was younger and then reread them for Steve whenever she slept over at his house after a long days shift. The princesses that were so pretty they could get anything they wanted, but never would because they were too good. Yeah… Nancy’s like one of those, but with a sword or something.

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