rock your world

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Prompt: Robin really needs a date to Steve and Eddies wedding, cue her asking Nancy.

The invitation had come in the mail over a month ago, and Robin had pinned it to her refrigerator door with a smile. After a while it only made her frown, though, and when she had no choice but to rsvp she was drunk and alone, mindlessly ticking the +1 box. In the morning she was still wearing her shoes after having taken the response to the nearest mailbox.

In panic she backtracked her steps, but the envelope was gone. And after a night of pitying looks from her friends, she didn't have the balls to call Steve and tell him she'd made a mistake.

She knew Steve wouldn't have minded but at this point Robin was overthinking and hadn't realised she couldn't just phoned up and explained.

The wedding was in two weeks now, and Robin was screwed. Max had called her a few days ago, asking who she was bringing and she'd just kept on lying. She even said she hadn't introduced the girl to them yet because she didn't want to rush it... Max believing her was more surprising than her managing to come up with the lie.

So now she needed to find a date to Steve's wedding. Someone her friends didn't already know and who was willing to lie that they'd been dating for a while.

Definitely screwed.

Robin couldn't even tell Vickie about it, and luckily she was too busy caught up in her own love affair to notice Robin's panic. Only Dustin knew and he wasn't exactly helping her by laughing at her pain.

"I'm actually excited to see how you'll get out of this one", he'd said.

Robin hung up on him.


At work, whenever she wasn't busy, she was worrying about it. She couldn't show up alone. That was out of the question. They'd never stop torturing her. So she needed to find someone - anyone - that would pretend to be her girlfriend for a -


Robin was startled by the voice and almost fell from her chair. She looked up to see one of their regular customers walking towards her with a small smile on her lips.

"Hi! What's up?" Robin leaned on the counter, brushing off the almost-fail.

"Trouble again", Nancy set down her laptop and pushed it towards Robin. "This piece of crap just wants to retire."

Robin grinned. Nancy was a journalist major from the university nearby and she constantly had problems with her computer. They'd become acquainted over her multiple visits to the electronics store Robin worked in. "Let's have a look."

Robin got to work while Nancy stayed put, looking around the store and biting her lip. Not that Robin was staring. The woman just had a very nice face.

"Have you bought any lottery tickets lately?"

"That bad?"

"It's not looking good. We both know it might be time to put it down."

Nancy ran a hand over her face. "Shit. Sooner or later this profession is going to drive me to thievery."

"I promise I won't tell."

"Isn't there anything you can do? You always figure something out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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