Been a While Since We Did This

30 2 3


She tagged me like 2 weeks ago and I totally didn't see it until just now XD

1. Mari

2. 24 years old

3. I'd heard the terms "burning daylight" and "burning moonlight," but never "burning starlight," so... XD And the number 17 is how old I was when I made the account.

4. I can stick both feet behind my head (though I look like a turtle stuck on its back when I do so XD)

5. That title currently goes to an entire series of stories called "Whipple family Misadventures" over on AO3 by the user Writingonceagain. Good stuff there ;)

6. Light brown with blonde highlights/ usually in a ponytail or braid, but sometimes down

7. Brown

8. Too many XD but my main ones are Transformers and Sonic the Hedgehog. I also share interest in Flight Rising, TMNT, and fantasy in general.

9. I don't hardly know anybody on this site at this point, so do the prompts if you'd like, or don't it's up to you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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