No Tag-Backs!

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So I got tagged by fan_girl2403, so here we go!

1. Nickname(s): I have many, but the most common one I hear the most is Munis. (the story of it's origin is a long one)

2. Eye Color: Dark Brown

3. Hair Color: Light brown with Blonde highlights

4. Some Facts About Me: I am one of eight children.
I can stick my feet behind my head. (I apparently do it in my sleep sometimes too)
My first words (yes, words plural) were "Don't be a stranger!"

5. Favorite Color: All blues, but especially aqua.

6. Favorite Place: My bed, or if I have to pick somewhere away from home, then the library.

7. Favorite Animal: I have many, but striped possums and okapis are my top two.

8. Favorite Song: That's a tough one, but right now it's probably Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom if the Opera.

9. Favorite Element: Definitely Water 🏊‍♀️

And adding a 10th one just for the fun of it,

10. Favorite Mythical Creature: Fairies, but especially Selkies as of late.

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