Why Did You Do This To Meeeeee!?

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Hi...I got tagged by Chelliegrace,

So rules! I love rules! They're so...rule-like!...Okay, whatever.


-You must post all thirteen rules
-You can't make excuses and not do this, it's required. (Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing it either)
-You must answer all questions given to you and then thirteen more.
-Tagbacks are allowed.
-You must tag 13 people
-You must post thirteen things about yourself.
-Think of a crazy title
-You have to finish in a week.

That's not thirteen, but that's all the rules I got from the person who tagged me. :)

Questions I got to answer (just me, you do not have to answer these...):
1. What's your favorite childhood memory?
2. What's that Disney song you're always singing?
3. What're your fandoms?
4. What's your favorite non-legendary pokemon and why?
5. Which Disney Prince/Princess would you want to be?
6. What would you name your dragon?
7. What's your first video game you remember?
8. What's your dream exotic pet species?
9. Sweet, sour or bitter Poffins for you?
10. What's one thing you like about yourself?
11. What's one thing you don't like about yourself?
12. What's your funniest memory?
13. A train leaves Bob's house at 4:00pm and travels at approximately 45mph. Four hours later, another train leaves Bob's house on the track adjacent to the first train, but it travels at 116mph. If it's Tuesday and it's raining, how many licks will it take to reach the center of a Tootsie pop?

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