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Three days later (Tay's POV)

It has been three days since I last seen Vegas, and I think I am going crazy, all I can think about is him, his scent, his eyes, and his body, just everything about him. Time didn't change, he kept on cheating like he used to, right now I am in my office thinking about Vegas when my secretary barge in and say someone is here to meet me, and she looked very scared, I was confused because I have no meetings today, "who is here?" I asked, she stuttered "M-m-Mr.-V-v-v-Vegas is here", I was shocked what was he doing here? , "one minute Vegas as in Vegas Kun Theerapanyakun?" I asked still shocked, "you know you could invite me in so you would know which Vegas" he started walking toward me "but I know I am the only Vegas you know" he stood in front of me, "what are you doing here Vegas?" I asked, "What I can't visit you now after what happened that night? Did you forget me?" Vegas said faking his sadness, "'I said Vegas what are you doing here?" I asked again, "Time will be here any minute" I stated maybe he will leave me alone but deep inside I didn't want him to leave, "do I look like I give a fuck if your boyfriend will be here or not" Vegas said clearly annoyed, I then realized that my secretary is still standing there, I looked at her and she looked shocked, she shouted "I didn't see anything" I was going to go after her but Vegas pulled my hand and kissed it, "don't worry about her now, you should worry more about your boyfriend " Vegas said, I realized that Time could be here any minute, "Vegas please leave" I said worried that if Time saw Vegas, there will be a huge fight, "Don't worry, nothing will happened, he will not come, he is 'busy' with something or I would rather say someone", "what are you saying Vegas?, he said that he is in the way to me and there is a traffic jam" I asked confused, "well, when I came, there was no traffic jam. I think you know where he is?" he said like he is stating a fact, "he is with Tem, right?" I asked emotionless, "bingo, you got it right in the first try, you are great in this game" he said amused, "my relationship with Time is not a game Vegas you need to know that" I said angry, "what are you so worked up about it is not like I am the one cheating on my boyfriend" he said, "just stop, why are you here Vegas?" I asked again, "you need to learn how to keep your cheating boyfriend out of your mind for a while", "and how will I do that?", "meet me at the casino at 9pm tomorrow and wear something sexy" then he left.

After he left, I checked my phone there is indeed a massage from Time that he will be late 'something came up'. I left me office and on my way back I kept thinking about whether or not I should go.

When I arrived home, I saw Time's car and I thought of what Vegas said, "Did you really bring him here Time? Or was Vegas just playing with my mind?", when I arrived at the house, I didn't hear any weird noises. When I entered, there they was making out on the couch, that fucker looked at me in the eye completed what he was doing and didn't care, I entered my room and decided to meet Vegas whether it was right or wrong I don't care, I will make Time pay for what he is doing, I don't know why I was crying, 'you shouldn't cry over a piece of shit like him' I thought to myself, I heard my phone ringing, when I checked it is was a private number, normally don't answer private number but I did for that one, "hello" "you shouldn't cry over him, he is not worth it" the other said, "who is this?" I asked, "Wow, you forgot my voice, we talked less than an hour ago." "Vegas" "yes, baby" Vegas said, "first, don't call me baby, I am not your baby, and secondly why did you call me? And how did you get my phone number?" I asked annoyed I don't need him to annoy me now, "It was not hard to get your number", "you harassed my secretary to give you my number, right?", "No, I just asked nicely" Vegas said sounding like I offended him, "harassing my secretary with a gun is nice to you?" I asked amused with his concepts, "I said please", "it is still not nice, why did you call me, Vegas?" I asked, "Don't forget tomorrow at 9 pm at the casino", "Don't worry I will be there", "And don't cry over a piece of shit like him you deserve better" he ended the call, I kept thinking about him, 'wait how did he know I was crying' I thought then I turned to the only window in the room, there he was standing there on the roof of the other building, I signed and closed the curtains, 'why does he want to meet me tomorrow and why at the casino?' I thought 'maybe I should ask Time he will know since he is always there'.

I took a shower and while I was in there, I heard Time ask "Tay, you here?", "yes" "when you finish come outside I brought food", "ok". I finished showering, wore my clothes and went outside. "How was your day?" Time asked, "It was good" I replied, 'I need to bring it up to him' "Tay, you know Vegas, Kinn's cousin?" "I have heard of him", "well did you know he rented a whole casino for a party he is doing tomorrow, the weird thing he asked for no staff saying his boyfriend is shy, ha Vegas has a boyfriend, jokes on him of course that boy toy is using him like the others" Time said joking about Vegas's 'boyfriend' who in fact is me, "well, do you know who's invited to that party?" I asked trying to know more, "he didn't give a guest list so I don't know, maybe it is a private event for him and his 'boyfriend'" he said not believing the boyfriend thing, "maybe he doesn't want anyone to look at his boyfriend, I heard Vegas is possessive of his things.", "you might be right, he is very possessive of his things to the extent that he might kill for it.", I was amused that Time heard about the casino thing , we didn't talk again, after eating we parted ways I got in my room, and I was thinking about Vegas and what we will do tomorrow.

(Words count 1159)

Sorry for late update I was busy with school and stuff so a new chapter tell me what you think of it and what will happen in the future? 

you are my past, I am sorry (VegasTay)Where stories live. Discover now