Retire from Steven Universe?

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Important People that need to read this:


The title caught you off guard, didn't it? Well, as I'm looking at this, I can't believe I'm looking at this, too. Before you panic, let me explain:

This isn't a official confirmation that I'm done with Steven Universe, nor does it mean I will leave the Steven Universe Fandom (maybe). If I do leave, I will finish any Steven Universe Story I made before I leave and won't make a new one again, and will do other stuff.

Now, why is this even a possibility? What happened? Well, I got this in my recommendation:

A two hour video... two hours... I haven't seen it yet, but I've read the comments, and I'm scared to watch this.

This motherfucker was made before the Movie and Future came out. I saw a comment asking if the creator would do a video about Future, and her response was, "Who cares?" Yet, one of her main reasons for making the video was to pay rent and buy groceries.

These people in the comments, including the person who made the video, have been saying that Steven Universe shouldn't be popular, it's bad, all that stuff, as well as labeling Rebecca Sugar as a incompetent writer.

This hurts to see all of this hate towards a show that I really like. Don't bother going to this video and comment your opinion, the creator has it to where your comment has to be reviewed before being sent to public view and she has the ability to delete it if she feels like it.

If your comment somehow gets into a video and you try to defend the show or Sugar, she'll always have a comment that'll make you look like a idiot and that she and all of those who agree with her are in the right.

I'm not saying that they're wrong or right, because they have valid points.

But then you're thinking, "Why are you conflicted if you are admiting to the valid points and haven't watched the video?"

Well, for one, I haven't watched the video yet and I'm going to at some point. Number two, 98% of comments are saying that Steven Universe is garbage, regretted watching it when they were younger, shouldn't have recommended it or the ol' "I aLwaYs kNeW thE sHoW was bAd!1!1!1"

The worst part about the comments is that you're automatically assumed to be a Steven Universe stan for defending the show or even disagree with the majority opinion.

And this makes me unmotivated to enjoy the show, because then I have this feeling in the back of my head that's like, "You're watching garbage that everyone hates and if they see you watching that, they'll think you support racist, fascists, abuse, etc" and I don't want that on my conscious.

It really saddens me that I feel like I can't watch the show, because I love it, or loved it, depending on my decision. I might just go back to writing Batman and Five Nights at Freddy's if I do retire from this Fandom, since they're unrelated to Steven Universe.

This is just my thoughts, and I'm curious to know what you guys think.


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