Face reveal when?

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I hope you don't mind if I just use 'Meet Samuel152' as a little place for me to discuss topics - big or small - on here whenever I feel like it. Sort of like a podcast type of thing (minus the voice acting bit), where I give my takes on certain things and all that.

Today, I'm going to be discussing my face reveal. Last year when I first made this, I promised all of you I would do a face reveal if I reached one thousand subscribers on my YouTube channel (one thousand followers on Wattpad doesn't count, so don't think that'll be the substitute). 

And I said that thinking that I'll never make it there.

As of recently, my channel has been growing, I reached more subscribers than I used to make in a year. And I'm way past the halfway mark. And if I continue to grind out YouTube videos and continue working on it, I reckon I'll reach that goal by the end of the year or sometime in January - depending on if the algorithm is in my favor.

I bet some of you were thinking that I was going to announce a date for my reveal. And if I do reach a thousand subscribers, I'm not going to hype my face reveal. I'll just drop it whenever I'm ready.

The reason why I'm not going to hype it up is because I honestly don't think my face reveal is that special.

"But Samuel, if you think your face reveal isn't that important and not worth hyping it up, then why are you talking about it? Why not just do a face reveal? Do you have something to hide?"

First off, I'm bringing this up because of the profound growth of my channel. I'm doing this to give people a heads-up.

Second, I'm not doing a face reveal because I promised I'd do it when I reached my goal. I may be a horrible writer and storytelling, but I am a man of my word - and incredibly stubborn.

Thirdly, I don't have anything to hide. I just think my face is ugly and not worth anyone's time (but I'll still reveal it when I reached my goal).

A few people have seen my face already, 'cause I actually did a face reveal back in the day - before I started taking my channel more seriously.

Besides Rosemary, Howard and Reid, there's only two people on Wattpad that know my true face (and they're inactive nowadays - near-dead accounts and they've taken the secret to their digital graves), 'cause they saw my face reveal video.

[Don't try digging through my channel to look for it, I deleted it four months later.]

For those of you who want to know how the video went, I had someone use my phone to record and he walked out to the front yard of my house (the one I lost last year) and noticed someone standing in the middle of the street.

He asked, "who is this guy?"

That was me. :P

I turned around, revealing my face and I started approaching him, saying something like "howdy neighbor" - ('cause I'm part country). 

He runs back to the door, questioning who I was and then he tried to open it. The door was locked, and he turned around me running up to him and the video ends abruptly - like one of those perfectly cut scream videos.

This was homage to the intro of this video:

Anyway, this was back in the summer of 2019. And I deleted it not too long after I started getting back in Steven Universe (thanks Spinel).

That's basically it, I got nothing else to talk about here.

November 20th, 2023. 8:49 PM.

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