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you can't help but awkwardly stare as xiao takes a adequate bite from his 'pesto-shrimp pasta without the sauce' (he said that word for word as the waiter gave him a concerned look) with his pearly white teeth. he doesn't seem to notice your stare and continues to absolutely ravish his food.

the resteraunt was surprisingly busy during lunch time , and you even recognized some of your co-workers getting ready to leave and go back to work. shiny silver forks and spoons would gently scratch the clean plates. crystal glasses filled with wine and other refreshments clanked around the room. it was a rather boujee place to eat for lunch , but no one really seemed to mind.

"is it good ? your uh... pasta with no sauce."

(pathta with no thauthe)

he looked up at you for a moment with a shrug. "it is good enough to fill up my stomach. things like food should not matter if it tastes good or not." you could feel your eyes roll all the way to your brain after his words went through your ears. how could someone not appreciate food for the way it tastes ?

you stared through the glass wall that seperated the resteraunt and the street. there were a few young high school girls giggling amongst each other while swinging shopping bags and couples walking around with their hands clasped against each other. xiao was quick to notice your staring.

"do you feel jealous ?"

"pardon ?"

his honey-yellow eyes rested on the people outside while he spoke. "i'm just curious. do you ever feel envious of people who just live a somewhat average life with little to no care of their actions ?" you glanced at him. "are you saying that you think i'm not happy ?"

he was quick to reply. "i just think you feel a bit overwhelmed by your status sometimes. with all your fame and responsibilities."

is this his way to show that he worries for me ?

"i dont really feel envy towards things like that. i'm satisfied with my work and all the effort i put into it , and i can tell it paid off ," you said while playing with the diamond ring on your pointer finger. "and it's not like i can't do 'regular' things anymore."

"i suppose."

xiao plays with the yellow pasta sitting on his plate. you can see a glimpse of purple peeking out from his shirt , and you instantly grimace. "so... about last night..."

"the dinner meeting you had ?"

"no , what happened after."

it felt like the atmosphere was starting to thicken , but xiao didn't seem to feel embarassed. "oh , are you talking about how we slep-" he was cut off by your heels lightly kicking his ankle. the green-haired foe instantly gets the hint.

you purse your lips. "yeah. i meant that. sorry if- i don't even know what to tell you." your hand subconsciously scratches the nape of your neck. it feels hot in an uncomfy way.

xiao reaches out to lightly place his hand over your free one with a reassuring look resting on his face. "do not feel the need to say sorry. i was actually alright with it , and i made sure that you were sobered up too. but i feel the need to apologize for it. we clearly only hold a work-relationship , and it was inappropriate for the both of us to act that way."

"if i'm going to be honest , i dont mind that it happened. in fact , it was actually pretty refreshing."

(i hate sex talk send help)

at that moment , xiao felt a slight bloom in his heart. he felt at a loss of words for a moment before speaking, "i'm at a sort of relief now that you told me , miss."

you chuckled. "just say y/n..."

"... and eat your damn boring pasta."

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yall i lowkey need a moment to sort out this plot LMFAOOO

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yall i lowkey need a moment to sort out this plot LMFAOOO

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